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This is actually a Wex Exort Invoker not a Quas Exort. For Quas Exort, you would be putting points into Quas and Exort with a few points into Wex for the spells. In this case, you are putting points into Wex and Exort and a few starting points into Quas for its spells, meaning you are building into a Wex Exort insead of a Quas Wex. These two aren't determined by what you skill early on but what your main points go into and what you only put a few points into to get the available spells.
Umm you could read this :
this is just easier for me. Maybe you could say that.. Because usually there's no wex exort build.
That doesn't change the fact that you still only put a few points into Quas making it a Wex Exort build. Like I said above, what Invoker you play is based on what you put a lot of points into and what you only put a few points into and that's it. It doesn't matter your reasoning in putting only 3 points into Quas but you put only 3 and maxed Wex after that which means you are a Wex Exort Invoker. Also, there is a lot of Wex Exort builds. Before a few major patches, it was the way to play Invoker but since then not many people have done it that way just cause it's not as good. A lot of people still play it and if you look at Sumiya as you said or any other major pro players, they build Invoker based on what the team and the game requires. In some cases, it is a Wex Exort build so yes there still is Wex Exort, it just isn't as popular since a few major patches.
Ok it is up to you if you say it is quas exort, but honestly everytime i play invoker, i never followed the skill order, depend on the situation. For example, im getting harassed Midlane vs viper or qop, I will get wex in maybe lv 6 . I ll get quas at lv 2, but i dont think it is possible to make Permanent build on this hero. Because its all situational. And nowadays most of ppl always build like this too. If you want to say this is wex exort, well its okay, but the fact is, Its more qe than qw. As a title what do you think if some people who isn't as up to date as u see my build? Some people will say "Wtf Wex exort build?" Thats a big downvote.
Clearly this isn't more QE than WE. Idk why you put QW but ok. Also this is a guide website so if they don't like it, they won't bother reading it anyway. If you change the build based on the situation, as an Invoker should, you need to create different build situations. At least include another one. I don't think you understand the concept of what type of Invoker you are building. No matter how you build it, the Invoker you play will always be one main thing that you skill when you can, in this case Exort. The second part of it is the skill that you skill more than the 3rd skill, in this case Wex. And the part that isn't included is the skill that you put a few points in to get the spells needed, in this case Quas. It's not that hard to understand. You are maxing Exort when you can so you are an Exort and something Invoker. For this build that you decided to put, you put only a few points into Quas early on but max Wex after your 3 points, making you a Wex Exort Invoker. Just cause you only want 3 points into Quas to make it easier to dish out combos doesn't make you a Quas Exort Invoker. Also, if someone isn't as up to date, they would like the Wex Exort build because that used to be the more popular of the 3 builds: Quas Wex, Quas Exort, and Wex Exort. Before a few major patches, it used to be Wex Exort as the most popular, than Quas Wex, than Quas Exort, so I really don't know what you mean when you say if someone isn't as up to date as me. If they aren't they would see Wex Exort and agree with it but disagree with Quas Exort.
ok, pardon me. about the ppl who isnt as up to date as you, sorry if i am mistaken, Old dota, before 7.xx something,i never heard such build of wex exort? Thats my perspective, So lots of people only know qe and qw invoker, And I have an experience, i was playing invoker, and then i was joking,i said "I am playing wex exort invoker!". Then soemone in my team answered : " wtf? report injoker". So the conclusion is, maybe you could say there is new build that is wex exort, but.. what makes me write it as QE, because , usually qe invoker farms and then go war when he has the core items, but for qw invoker, you always gank ? am i right? The wex exort invoker you said has the similar item build as qe invoker, not like qw, he needs to build urn of shadows first, ganking gameplay . :)
Than I don't know what you're doing since Wex Exort Invoker was one of if not the most popular way to build him before a few major patches. Also, yes Wex Exort is similar to Quas Exort but they're not entirely the same. The title would thus be wrong since you are once again not playing a Quas Exort Invoker but a Wex Exort Invoker.
Invoker has long since moved on from the days where you would only put points into two orbs and leave the other at 1.
The terms "quas exort", "quas wex" and "wexort" are archaic and do not apply to current dota.
Place points into your orbs as you see fit in the game. Quas is usually skilled early because of the lane sustain it gives and the power of Cold Snap. Wex is maxed second regardless of what you're maxing first because both Alacrity and Tornado, crucial spells for q-max and e-max builds, require high points in wex.
Generally nowadays invokers max e first for its lane prowess and global presence with Sun Strike.
Agree with TheSofa, the title is not something you need to debate on, except if you are quas exort lover and wex exort haters. Anyway i won't change the title, because for me there s only qe and qw. QE in old meta, you just level up quas and exort until lv 9 or 10, and then get 1 point of wex. And quas wex in old meta, you levelup wex until max and then u take1point of exort. But nowadays, we're feeling like qwe, its all situational, but still My build is more QE than QW, because in this meta qw build is not really good
Edit: In the past, i was curious why is there only qw and qe? Then i googled it, and then see video on yt invoker playing WE, It has no disable, like i said, in the old meta, if you are using WE build, it means that you are leaving q at lv1. but now, everything is situational
Either way I still haven't said anything about this guide being QW so I don't know why you keep mentioning it when clearly it's been stated by me that it's WE but whatever.
rofl, its no need to debate about the title brother, if you are debating about the item choice or maybe combos, I'll think about it. But no with the title :/
Well that depends on how you play. This works yes, but I put 4 points into Wex starting at 10 12 16 and 17 and than proceed to max Quas after that because it increases disables. I personally don't use Wex all that much but it can be debatable.
Also, there are still people who call it those terms just to make it simpler, like me. It just helps with knowing what you max first and it kind of affects how you play IMO.
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this is just easier for me. Maybe you could say that.. Because usually there's no wex exort build.
Invoker has long since moved on from the days where you would only put points into two orbs and leave the other at 1.
The terms "quas exort", "quas wex" and "wexort" are archaic and do not apply to current dota.
Place points into your orbs as you see fit in the game. Quas is usually skilled early because of the lane sustain it gives and the power of
Generally nowadays invokers max e first for its lane prowess and global presence with
Edit: In the past, i was curious why is there only qw and qe? Then i googled it, and then see video on yt invoker playing WE, It has no disable, like i said, in the old meta, if you are using WE build, it means that you are leaving q at lv1. but now, everything is situational