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Captains Mode Drafting Detailed Help (Recommended for newer players, or players who want to know why certain heroes are picked in the new META).

July 18, 2015 by Aguythatlikespancakes
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Captains Mode Drafting Detailed Help (Recommended for newer players, or players who want to know why certain heroes are picked in the new META).

July 18, 2015


Nothing to be said here. Enjoy what I have to say below.

Current popular heroes and why

In 6.84c or whatever this patch is :), the new picks for different heroes are happening because of the new updates taken place. Alchemist is quite popular whoever soon died away because of this, quite sad actually as I was hoping to see him in the International. Anyways, the new popular picks such as Gyrocopter, Unduying, Queen of Pain, Leshrac and Bounty Hunter are there because the hero kills bounty has been increased. Furthermore, gold from neutral creeps has been reduced making farming slower than before. Heroes who can kill easily, push quickly, gank effectively have taken over. A good example is Leshrac, as he can push the lanes out with Diabolical Adept (probably got that wrong), and gank with the help of his slow and stun, as well as fight with his ultimate and nuking abilities. He is perfect and because of this picked and banned a lot in the competitive scene. So, in your drafting you should aim for heroes that have:

-Kill potential early on
-Team fight potential
-Pushing potential
-Can win lanes

Basically, the most important phase in DOTA 2 right now is the landing Stage or EARLY GAME. If you win that you can push out lanes, force fights and make sure the enemy doesn't go anywhere to farm, with your high variety of ganking and nuking heroes.


Currently, there is no big trend in lanes, however I can tell you one thing. Juggling has surely become weaker from the new patch, however some heroes still may benefit from it, such as Chen. He can push, go for team fights and gank, that's why we see his in the pro scene. It's best to go for a 1-1-2 and a roam line up. The offlaner will be a tank (Unduying, Clockwork, Bristleback), whilst the mid will have quite good kill potential for ganks, and if possible team AOE damage/control spells (Queen of Pain, Puck, Beast Master, Leshrac), the 2 Safe lane should be a some what greedy support (Crystal maiden(she needs her blink), Visage, Rubick). And lastly the carry should usually be a semi-carry, or someone as we mentioned with all the characteristics in the last Chapter (Gyrocopter, Axe, Storm Spirit, Queen of Pain, Luna, Slark, Anti-Mage, Blood Seeker).

List of Good picks for the new patch

-Spirit Breaker
-Blood Seeker
-Storm Spirit
-Queen of Pain
-Axe (however has been nerved)
-Crystal Maiden
-Clock Werk
-Beast Master
-Earth Shaker
-Sand King
-Dragon Knight
-Witch Doctor
-Keeper of the Light
-Vengeful Spirit

What role should I pick first?

For your first banning phase ban any high tier heroes you don't want to play against, as simple as that.

For your first pick Phase, it's best to pick top tier heroes. Pick heroes who can go different roles, even if they're not supports. Such as Storm Spirit (Can go offline, Mid, or semi-Carry Safe Lane).

Second ban Phase is something that would fit their line up

For your second pick Phase you should pick someone who synergises with that hero u just picked, for example if I picked Vengeful Spirt first I can choose Slardar next (for a minus armour strat). usually though it is better to pick supports so the enemy can't counter your late game, however in this new patches case it doesn't matter as much, meaning that Gyro and Shadow Fiend are first picked even though they can be countered.

Third pick Phase is something that can counter your enemy, however synergise with your own line up.

The last ban phase should be used up to ban any hero who could counter you, as the enemy would usually want to save it for last not to get countered themselves.

The last Pick Phase should be used up to pick a hero the enemy wouldn't expect, messing up their line up and changing yours. it's best to have heroes who can fit different roles for this, otherwise this won't work.

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