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8 Votes

Call me Imba Spirit.

April 16, 2014 by robomartion
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netherspawn | November 11, 2014 3:26am
Very nice guide, got a rampage 1st time playing this hero at all. Thank you Imba spirit ;D
Smuggels (82) | October 9, 2014 12:47am
you know what dude.

i agree with your guide.

he should be mid.

i used to build him with Desolator

i used to build him with right click late game in mind.

Ember Spirit is in essence a EARLY/MID GAME SNOWBALLER

i now go Tango>> Bottle>> Boots of Speed>> Bracer>> Phase Boots>> Drum of Endurance>> Battle Fury>> Daedalus>> Battle Fury/ Black King Bar

once you get 6 you should be ganking as much as possible. with fire spirits you can have infinite regen. as you just spirit tp back to lane. he has insane burst and initiation and with flameguard your basically safe from most early game nukes that would leave you for dead.

i personally hate people that dont look at who they are against.

you up against a right click mid like viper?

searing chains and sleight of fist should be maxed.

up against a nuker like zues or tinker? flame guard and searing chains.

once you get level 6 .... you force the snowball. gank gank gank. you get kills build damage items and get more kills.

you need to assert dominance early game and mak it hurt mid game.

he cant compete late game unless he gets a epic crit.

two battle furies stack the cleave guys from 35% to 70% is huge for crits.

plus the regen allows you to sustain chases.

FascesNewbie | June 1, 2014 6:55pm

1 silence or abyssal and you are dead, more than 2 battlefury is quite non needed.

Desolator applies armor reduction to the main target which increases your damage which is in turn cleaved.

Double crit chance adds with diminishing gains, like double stout shield.

You end up being a shot hero. A guy with marginal sense of positioning will ruin you.

You lack survivability.

i feel double bf, crit, and 1 mkb or abyssal blade with boots is adequate for late game dominance. basically, group up with mag and enigma, ember spirit can kill a whole team in one shot. AND YOU ARE SUPPOSE TO DO THAT... not sure why people try to build him as a ordinary carry, with nice states....cause he is quite unique... DON'T LISTEN TO THE QUOTATION, ITS WRITER IS A TRASH.
Wuzzly | April 18, 2014 10:12pm
I could nitpick this guide but I'd like to say that the amount of farm required to use this build is incredibly impractical and leaves you wanting for some more early and midgame DPS. Also, your skillbuild is a bit weak. Why take a second level of Searing Chains right before you six when it doesn't offer way to much? Upgrading your Flame Guard to level 3 will be much more useful in lane than a second level in Chains. While it's nice to combo Ember with another hero like Enigma, Magnus, or Dark Seer, picking those heroes isn't required for effective Ember Spirit play.
DzikaPanda (16) | April 14, 2014 10:56am
I also thought that stacking Battle Fury on ember is most effective way of dealing ****loads of AoE damage, but I did some research and now I know that if you stack BF's with daedalus it will take you nearly 2x more Sleight of Fist's than 1 BF, Deso and 2x Daedalus. With both builds you can wipe whole team in 1 skill if they are stacked, so don't tell me that you need multiple BF's to get super cleaves, as most of the time teams won't stack against ember unless you're playing in trench tier, and then multiple BF do nothing.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | April 14, 2014 6:26am
Yeah that's true, but you still have to get as much farm as a "hard" carry to afford so many items in the same match. I find it misleading, but it's not wrong.
robomartion | April 14, 2014 6:00am
As in a right clicking hard carry like Lifestealer who is in your face/up close right clicking. I feel ember spirit should not be played like that, rather using sleight of fist to dish out damage from a safe distance.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | April 14, 2014 4:56am
There are some misconceptions in this guide: your item selections shows you're treating Ember Spirit as a late game Hero while criticizing pro players for building him "as a right clicking hard carry", and that confuses me. First, you say ES doesn't do much without stacked Battle Furies, while in pro games he can easily win the mid game with only Phase, Wand and Drums. Most of the time you'll end your game with just one Battle Fury, as having that extra cleave with Sleight of Fist is more of a "backup plan" for when you don't succesfully crush your opponents in the mid game; taking 3 BFs is almost impossible in the same game unless it lasts 50-60 minutes or more, and even then I'd rather have a Daedalus as a third (or sometimes second) big item.

The skill build is also less efficient than the usual ES build: whether you max first Searing Chains (like Solo from RoX.KIS does) or Flame Guard (like most of the pro players do), maxing Sleight of Fist by level 10 is your next priority becuase you don't want to reach the mid game without a spammable "nuke" with a huge AoE. Plus, a level 1 Searing Chains with a level 4 Sleight of Fist will give you a higher killing potential than the other way around as you can Fist and use the Chains in mid-air from a longer distance. The extra damage (and extra hits because of the cooldown reuction) from Sleight of Fist make up for the lack of extra disable.

Lastly, you refuse the Desolator but I think that going Drums into Deso is better if you have a mid game advantage and don't want to reach the late game. In fact, stacking Battle Furies is - as said before - a "plan B" if things go wrong, though it happens a lot of times in pro matches.


Lately in pro matches I've seen ember spirits buying a hodge podge of items: Eye of Skadi, Abyssal Blade, Divine Rapier, Butterfly, Desolator, Maelstrom, Mjollnir and even Manta Style (wtf?); they don't use sleight of fist properly and contribute little damage to late game fights and lose games trying to play him as a right clicking hard carry.

I don't know what matches you're talking about, but most of the time ES playes go for Phase Boots, Drum of Endurance and then Desolator/ Battle Fury/ Maelstrom (rarely). Skadi and Butterfly are legit late game pickups (though situational), while the Abyssal can - without counting the weird RNG features - stun an opponent for each Sleight of Fist you land on 4 Heroes, on paper. The Rapier is more of a "all or nothing" pickup, any carry can take it if they desperately need damage when they have none (as the Daedalus isn't even comparable to the Rapier if you have 150 damage only); the Mjollnir is just there to get lots of chain lightnings and use its active on a tanky teammate.
I agree that Manta and Skadi are less useful, but the others are kind of basic late game pickups.
Ab4ddon._.E43 (12) | April 14, 2014 1:32am
1 silence or abyssal and you are dead, more than 2 battlefury is quite non needed.

Desolator applies armor reduction to the main target which increases your damage which is in turn cleaved.

Double crit chance adds with diminishing gains, like double stout shield.

You end up being a shot hero. A guy with marginal sense of positioning will ruin you.

You lack survivability.

Magnus ember is pretty fun though, tried it once, instant rampage. Same can be done with a juggernaut or PA.
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