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By my Master's command

April 1, 2013 by Aepollon
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Aepollon | April 5, 2013 7:37pm
fredchen777: Thanks for explaining thoroughly Desolator usage on Lifestealer to me. I have already added it on the second item/skill build. Please go check it out :) And thanks for clearing the doubts. I haven't got the time to update this guide's [Item] section. I will try to make time to update it with thoughts I have on each of the situational items.
fredchen777 | April 5, 2013 12:14am
He didn't mention Desolator because of the lack of attack speed, but just because you hit so often. With that attack speed and a desolator, you 3hit weak supports like Crystal Maiden, Shadow Shaman or Shadow Demon, who can all be a nuisance to you once Rage wears off. you should put the Desolator within the situationals, i usually get that when the enemies has 3 or more relatively squishy heros or when your mid-game is struggling, since it gives cheap DPS and proves useful for taking down rosh. Skull Basher deals way less damage but could be worth it against Nature's Prophet or equivalent enemies to cancel their TPs. The upgrade to Abyssal Blade is really expensive and should be rushed if your team lacks disables and the enemies shut down your hero that wants to get a Scythe of Vise.
Aepollon | March 29, 2013 8:04pm
Well, with this build, you will be hitting at like 0.5 second per hit with Armlet of Mordiggian and Rage activated. So you probably won't need Desolator. I prefer Abyssal Blade over Desolator as it gives you the stun potential.
LighT 1.618 | March 29, 2013 4:07pm
i perfer Phase Boots on Lifestealer so you chase easily and get the job done, you gonna get plenty of attack speed from Armlet of Mordiggian Rage. i think Desolator must be core or atleast situational
Aepollon | March 28, 2013 5:57am
I admit I did a half-arsed job. Did it within 30 minutes. Planning to update it when I have time.
Yasutsuna (51) | March 28, 2013 5:24am
This guide looks like a half-***ed job. At least say a bit about his items. I don't agree with your skills though. Why get Open Wounds if you're jungling? Maxing Feast with an early Rage is better.

And I agree with fredchen777. Lifestealer is not that good of a jungler since his DPS is pretty low. Lycan has his wolves to deal extra damage, Ursa has his claws (the 3rd skill), Axe has his Counter Helix etc.

On the good side, your skills are pretty informative.
fredchen777 | March 28, 2013 3:36am
There is no link in the summary where you said there would be to dotabuff-games.

You forgot about Nature's Prophet as an ally (he is used really often in the current competitive metagame).

You can also add that Infest is a good way to escape when you are infesting an enemy creep or a friend that has blink abilities.

I'm not sure if i like your skillbuild since you seem to randomly distribute the skill points (at lvl 9 you sit at 3-3-2-1 <- wtf?) and i don't think that you should put more than one skill point into Open Wounds since it slows by 70% on all levels. And in my opinion you skill Rage not early enough when in jungle (i normally go 1-1-1 on lvl 3) just so you can escape an early gank (especially when the enemies have a good early combo like Venomancer + Juggernaut on their hard lane).

Another thing, and this is less criticism and more opinion, i don't think that Lifestealer is a good jungler. yeah, he can jungle and when left alone he can jungle pretty easily, even better when you pull the medium camps, BUT all the other junglers (except Ursa) can jungle faster and (except Dark Seer) with less dependencies on the jungle creep types.

Last, i'd advise you to consider adding another item build for safe lane farm including Hand of Midas.
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