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8 Votes

Burn My Bones Off the Reservation!!! - A Ganking Build

November 21, 2012 by Vash
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Magnus The Red | December 13, 2012 2:12pm
Nice guide, I think I might test it sometime.

One thing to point out though, Mjollnir does stack with any other orb effect because it is a proccing item and only overrides on the proc. So Mjollnir + MoM is a pretty nice build on SK.
Poetastrophe (4) | November 28, 2012 3:16pm
If you go shadow blade, remember that there is a slight chance that it can crit for 412.5 additional damage when you break the invisibility, which is especially useful information if you are ganking. I would suggest to remove the MoM, farm 200 extra gold and go for Hyperstone, that can later be build into Assault Cuirass. Or perhaps since you are leveling your aura anyway, means that you are pushing. So why not push additionally with an Vladmir's offering? Which again stacks with Vampiric Aura. Every friendly melee hero and creep will get a whopping 46% lifesteal + 5 armor + 0.8 mana regen, the pushing will simply be so effective. Dis Skull Basher for an Armlet, the damage, health and attackspeed is simply too effective to just pass.
But otherwise it seems pretty good, going to try it out sometime :)
Vash (10) | November 24, 2012 1:36pm
@Pumpermoose Thank you for this comment, because it's important for why I chose MoM over Armlet.

I experimented with Armlet of Mordiggian as an early game option, however it doesn't give Skeleton King the DPS he needs to be a successful ganker. Now, if Skeleton King was rolling as a carry, I'd be in your corner all the way. The armlet gives SK an incredible ammount of tankiness and decent atk speed for a low cost, but just not enough to fulfill this role. Mask of Madness is a cheap purchase which allows SK to pull off huge amounts of crits early game.

As for the 30% extra dmg taken, your lifesteal with effectively outweigh any damage taken in a gank. Because not only are you getting the 17% lifesteal from your mask but also another 15% from your 1st lvl of Vampiric Aura.

I'll probably be adding Armlet to the situationals though, just in case players need a little more speed and tank. :)

Thanks again.
pumpermoose (2) | November 21, 2012 9:55pm
Hey! I play Skele a fair bit, slightly unsuccessfully sometimes, but not too shabby.

Few Recommendations: Get rid of the stat points to start. You have a MoM in your build but Skele has innate life steal! Don't waste gold on that, just put points on life steal instead of on stats in that early game. Armlet of Mordiggian is just as effective as Mask of Madness IMO, and you dont take 30% damage extra which will kill you, regardless of how tanky you are!

Cool idea though for SK as a ganker!
Wulfstan (77) | November 21, 2012 11:31am
I don't remember Vanguard as being dissasemblable.Other than that,guide's good,and each item has an explanation and why it should be gotten.

Vash (10) | November 21, 2012 7:49am
Allegiance, thanks for the Daedalus comment. I didn't know that the crits act separately, and have adjusted my guide appropriately.
Hades4u (296) | November 21, 2012 5:15am
I'm going to try this build the next game I'm playing Skeleton King, seems fun.

Allegiance (9) | November 20, 2012 11:43pm
skeleton king as a farming carry is way more pain in the ***, imo. As soon as you have armlet and maybe BKB you can easily tear the enemy team to shreds.
I still like the idea of a roaming/ganking SK.
But I would never consider buying Daedalus. The crit chance is NOT additive so you spend so much gold for a not-so-effective item. MKB or AC have a similar price, but SK can use all of their benefits.

Vash (10) | November 20, 2012 9:16pm
Fixed the skill point, appreciate your catching that. ;)

Yeah, it's not your usual build that for sure, but that's why I built it. Thanks for your input!
wilddeonpwn (102) | November 20, 2012 9:04pm
Nice job on writing the guide! Hmm..this does seem like a fun way of playing Skeleton King, but I don't think it really fits as the "Pubstomper" Skele. I will definitely try this out in a Bots game ('cos I suck at Skele hard) to see if it will work. I like it, it's like SingSing style. Put your last point into your ulti at lvl 16, btw you missed that.

Anyway, nice guide, I shall give you holiness with a +1 :)
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