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One thing to point out though, Mjollnir does stack with any other orb effect because it is a proccing item and only overrides on the proc. So Mjollnir + MoM is a pretty nice build on SK.
But otherwise it seems pretty good, going to try it out sometime :)
I experimented with
As for the 30% extra dmg taken, your lifesteal with effectively outweigh any damage taken in a gank. Because not only are you getting the 17% lifesteal from your mask but also another 15% from your 1st lvl of Vampiric Aura.
I'll probably be adding Armlet to the situationals though, just in case players need a little more speed and tank. :)
Thanks again.
Few Recommendations: Get rid of the stat points to start. You have a MoM in your build but Skele has innate life steal! Don't waste gold on that, just put points on life steal instead of on stats in that early game.
Cool idea though for SK as a ganker!
I still like the idea of a roaming/ganking SK.
But I would never consider buying
Yeah, it's not your usual build that for sure, but that's why I built it. Thanks for your input!
Anyway, nice guide, I shall give you holiness with a +1 :)