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Build New Aura Viper 7.00

December 17, 2016 by ArcaneWoozie
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Aura Beast

DotA2 Hero: Viper

Hero Skills

Predator (Innate)

Poison Attack

1 11 13 14


3 4 9 10

Corrosive Skin

2 5 7 8

Viper Strike

6 12


Hero Talents

-50% Viper Strike Cooldown/ Mana Cost
Nethertoxin Radius increases by 25 every 0.5s
+0.2 Predator Damage per missing health
+80 Viper Strike DPS
+15% Poison Attack slow/damage
+40 Nethertoxin Min/Max Damage
+20 Corrosive Skin Damage
+1s Viper Strike Duration

Build New Aura Viper 7.00

December 17, 2016



Fancy playing the new skinned Viper now he looks a total badass?

Try playing Viper as an Aura Carrier.

Pros / Cons


    Strong laning support.
    Great mid game team fight.
    Mek carrier so main support can buy other items.
    Lvl 25 ult does 1125 damage.
    Good counter to melee carries.
    Great Slows
    Once Mek good pushing.

    Requires a Hard Support on your team.

    Lack of stuns.

    Single target attacks.

    Needs gold from winning team fights.

The Role

Laning Stage

Lane with the Hard Carry let him get Last hits. Be aggressive and push the opposition out of xp range and attack your creeps once they are on half health to pull back your wave.
With Poor Man Sheild and Bassy Ring you can trade hits with any support and come out on top.

Mid Game

During the Mid Game you have 2 jobs.

1) Once mek is up push towers!! This is further assisted by Helm of the Dominator.

2) Be in every Team Fight!! As you will be pushing you should be in all pushing team fights but always carry TP to join the defensive fights.

Be carful to manage you manna, Ult and Mek in particular can drain it rapidly.

Late Game

Join the fights, stay alive to keep boosting Auras up.

Helm of the Dom.

Helm of the Dom is now a great item for this Viper.

Creeps to consider!

The obvious, any Creep with a disable (that you lack), Centaur or Troll.

Ogre Frost Mage
+ 8 Armour and slows melee attackers movement speed and attack speed.
45 sec duration, 5 second cooldown.
can keep active on you and carry with little micro skills
cast on creeps during push to reduce tower damage to them.

Satyr Banisher

a great slow to help if the game is more about pick offs than team fights.
can purge allies if you feel like going for a pro play, including dust and most DoT spells.
low cooldown (high manna cost tho)

Alpha Wolf

30% damage aura!!! ( of base damage and stat gven damage only)

Additionally if you are low on gold using a Wildwing (the big chicken) to stack and whirlwind a hard camp while you push can help a lot.

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