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11 Votes

Brutalis' Guide to Treant [Updated for 6.86]

December 22, 2015 by Brugriff
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SingularitysMarauder | September 27, 2016 12:13pm
When u buy aghanim it is also useful to purchase octarine core as well, besides having a powerful cooldown reduction u also gain a burst heal out of ur ultimate, its useful and possible to get both aghanim and octarine core as an offlaner at early middle game if u had a healthy lane.
PYRRHlC (1) | July 5, 2016 2:11am
You say don't rush aghs, however I disagree. Rushing aghs for the wrong reason is bad. But if you're getting it for the permanent warding, that's great. I almost always rush aghs. It's not hard, you just have to participate in team fights and you'll end up with the gold by about the 25 min mark. After that, you slip into the enemy's jungle, and start warding. Then you keep warding, and move into the lanes and mid. Ward outside the rosh pit. Ward everywhere.

The vision it provides is game winning. I was playing a game earlier today. We should have lost, except we knew where all 5 of the enemies were at all time, and that won us the game.

Aghs rush is great, as long as you know what do do after you get that item.
Brugriff | December 22, 2015 3:51am
I've edited the guide for the new patch. Overall I don't think the patch effects Treant too much. He may be a little more viable but we'll have to see how it turns out and what the meta evolves into.

-Edited skillbuild.
Natures's Guise is now maxed second and Leech Seed maxed last. Now that Leech is a mere 80 mana I feel that it's a value point and that Nature's Guise is far more useful to you. Watch some recent replays of PPD playing Treant and you'll find he does the same (he's the one that gave me the idea to do this, tested it and it's just so much better).
-Edited item build
Changed starting items to include 2 sets of tangoes. Altered the situational/followup items to emphasize getting Medallion of Courage and Glimmer Cape. You really ought to be buying at least one of these items.
-Small formatting changes
-Added some notes
Notes are in Light Blue

bkypes wrote:

Good guide. I've been playing a pretty basic Treant build and winning a lot with him.

I'd suggest also adding in Octarine Core. The extra cooldown really speeds up your farm and allows you to enchant more trees throughout the lane. By 45 minutes (if the game goes that long), I'll typically have the side lanes completely warded so no waves are ever able to push. This really throws the balance off for the enemies and allows for more split pushing and easy teamfight wins if they ever leave their base, which you'll probably have your ult ready since it cools down a lot faster with Octarine.

With the amount of farm I've had from this in the past, I had 2 rapiers sitting in the fountain just for fun.

The thing is you farm so fast with Aghs anyway that you don't need Octarine to increase it any further. You're much better off using your new found farm on items that help the team such as a Sheep Stick.

Octarine costs 5900 gold, Scythe is 5650 gold. I know which I'd rather be spending money on.
bkypes | November 26, 2015 4:23pm
Good guide. I've been playing a pretty basic Treant build and winning a lot with him.

I'd suggest also adding in Octarine Core. The extra cooldown really speeds up your farm and allows you to enchant more trees throughout the lane. By 45 minutes (if the game goes that long), I'll typically have the side lanes completely warded so no waves are ever able to push. This really throws the balance off for the enemies and allows for more split pushing and easy teamfight wins if they ever leave their base, which you'll probably have your ult ready since it cools down a lot faster with Octarine.

With the amount of farm I've had from this in the past, I had 2 rapiers sitting in the fountain just for fun.
Drizzt667 | March 30, 2015 8:14pm
Treant remains my best hero. But consider his ultimate upgrade, with Eyes in the Forest - Treant is a hard-hitting global support, and the best of them all for it. I feel like Aghanim's Scepter shouldn't be in the situational section, but instead as late game if not core. The global awareness of permanent, infinite wards is astronomically game-changing, not to mention the addition 500+ gold farm every time you ward the jungle camps and bust Overgrowth. Maybe mention something about alerting your team not to deny towers unless absolutely necessary; I've had a few situations where my team destroys our own towers and it causes some problems later on in terms of map awareness. But all in all, a good build. Congrats!
Drizzt667 | March 30, 2015 8:14pm
Treant remains my best hero. But consider his ultimate upgrade, with Eyes in the Forest - Treant is a hard-hitting global support, and the best of them all for it. I feel like Aghanim's Scepter shouldn't be in the situational section, but instead as late game if not core. The global awareness of permanent, infinite wards is astronomically game-changing, not to mention the addition 500+ gold farm every time you ward the jungle camps and bust Overgrowth. Maybe mention something about alerting your team not to deny towers unless absolutely necessary; I've had a few situations where my team destroys our own towers and it causes some problems later on in terms of map awareness. But all in all, a good build. Congrats!
TheTreantWisdom | February 23, 2015 4:55am
I always tell my teammates to "Do not let the towers fall" some really heed that advice and some bad days some players really are not into team playing who wanted to move on their own eventually losing the ticket to victory.

The key using the ability living armor is upgrade it until you reach 4 slots, I'm guessing Lvl9 can complete that 4 slot (correct me if there are more slots). If you don't want to Tank you can rest easy on the fountain and start mending Towers that are damaged, if not start assisting teammates to use the skill to push through the creeps and aid them in battling other heroes healing them non-stop also pay attention to the towers and don't stop casting on it, with those towers intact they have no way to destroy the base, worry not you still can earn gold to amplify all your attributes! (I can earn much up to 7000+ or more) even in lvl9 you are actually already invincible (I guess that is a rare occasion it will only happen when players want to prolong the game)

The Treant Protector is actually a force to be reckoned with if you purchase an item that can amplify its hp regeneration, attack speed and damage attack capability you are basically mowing down creeps in 1 or 2 whack. For heroes maybe 3 to 4 whack down (base on my experience)

The only side down is some magic users, and some shooters can actually cripple the Treant especially when you are facing three magic users (in my experience I can survive 2 magic users that are adept) Don't ever go alone tanking heroes that can disable and dealt heavy arcane magic damage on you unless they are low level.
Yellowstar | February 7, 2015 9:17am
First of all - good guide!

Second - my biggest question is how the hell do you farm with Treeant? I mean, all other supports have something going for it (CM's second skill, warlock can shackle and kite jungle creeps, earthshaker has his damage and so on), but it's almost impossible to farm the jungle with Treeant,and you don't get a lot of kills/assists either, which leaves you only with last hitting lane creeps when no one else is around. Which is extremely rare - I mean, getting aghanim's (unless you're offlane) is ridiculously long. Or am I missing something?
MisterBigtoy | February 6, 2015 10:10am
Brugriff wrote:

Thanks for the vote!

I only feel confident writing about things I have experience with and I've not tried the ganking Tree. However, judging by what people have said it appears to be something I need to learn! Once I've done it a few times I'll definitely write about it.

I know the feeling: I wrote a CM guide where I mentioned the possibility of a ganking tri-lane with her but my firsthand experience was very limited. I got torn apart in the comments, deservedly so. Still, nothing wrong with under construction sections!

Keep up the great work.
Brugriff | February 6, 2015 9:34am
MisterBigtoy wrote:

Excellent guide, +1 for sure.

A couple of thoughts:

I know it was called out above, but I would dedicate at least one of the builds, if not a bunch of words, to the tri-lane ganking support. This is the 'max leech seed first' build. Treant can be absolutely brutal swinging around with a ganking partner like Lion or Vengeful Spirit with his invisibility, slow, and surprisingly high damage.

More of a question, but has anyone tinkered around with Orb of Venom on a ganking tree?

Thanks for the vote!

I only feel confident writing about things I have experience with and I've not tried the ganking Tree. However, judging by what people have said it appears to be something I need to learn! Once I've done it a few times I'll definitely write about it.
MisterBigtoy | February 6, 2015 8:48am
Excellent guide, +1 for sure.

A couple of thoughts:

I know it was called out above, but I would dedicate at least one of the builds, if not a bunch of words, to the tri-lane ganking support. This is the 'max leech seed first' build. Treant can be absolutely brutal swinging around with a ganking partner like Lion or Vengeful Spirit with his invisibility, slow, and surprisingly high damage.

More of a question, but has anyone tinkered around with Orb of Venom on a ganking tree?
Brugriff | February 5, 2015 7:16am
I've edited the guide:

- Starting items changed to include Tango + Salve as opposed to just Tangoes
- Added Soul Ring to Early Game Items
- Removed Mekanism
- Edited thoughts on Aghanim's Scepter and Eyes in the Forest
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