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Time to write a book, because there is a hell of a lot I need to say about Broodmother. Many may not realize it, but Broodmother is a game-changing hero. And I mean that. If you play Brood properly, everyone on the other team, not just opponents in your lane, will have to adjust to pull out a victory. Huge regen and invisibility will make you so hard to kill the other team will rage. It's all about lane control, hard pushing, harassment, and double-countering. Broodmother, in my opinion, might be one of the most overpowered heroes in the game- if you play her correctly.
Don't let the role of "agility hero" fool you; Brood is extremely slow without her web. This, along with the regen, invis, and all path movement, is basically why you want to play your whole game inside these cozy covers. That's also why you're going to get the skill at lvl 1.
Your starting items will be: stout shield, tango, and quelling blade. The reasoning behind these is as follows:
[*] stout shield is a very important item to have that is nowhere to be found in the recommended build. It is your main survivability while hor***ing and eating up creep waves w/spiders.
[*] Tangoes are your added regen if you are low and yadda yadda theyre are really good ok?
[*] Quelling Blade will give you more burst damage which is great for hor***ment.
Brood's lanes are BOT on radiant and TOP on dire. Very important, and make sure your teammates dont take your damn lane. Also, Brood is NOT a support. Don't play with a carry by your side, play with a support or anyone who can trap/ is willing to buy you sentries. Also, tell your teammates to protext your tower at all costs. It is so important that you have that tower for tp's due to Broods slow speed, and also your push is ruined without it.
Right at the beginning, put down yo webs. The placement of your webs in the beggining is important. You should place your first web a little past the halfway point towards their tower, and put the second one down ,hopefully before the game starts, next to it, closer to your tower. Also, make sure the web closer to your tower pokes into the treeline for an easy escape if needed. Brood can walk through trees.
Right off the bat, you'll let your lane partner get farm. Sit back, behind the enemies, smack the carry once, then run into the treeline. rinse and repeat over and over, and pick off some last hits on creeps when you can. The other side more than likely hasn't purchased sentries yet, but if they have, you can't do this right off the bat. Also, dont hor*** with the spiderling spawn. Remember it is very valuable (your one ranged attack) and should only be used for last hits on heroes/ creeps.
Next go for last hits. Brood attacks fast and lh isnt hard with her. Smack down the first creep in every wave with a spawn spiderlings and get the party started. Every time you rinse a wave make sure you box select brood and all of her spiderlings.
For Broodmother, the laning phase never ends. Dont you dare switch into any other lanes, grab runes, gank, or support another lane. Let your partner do as he will, and ask for help when needed.
Get sentries. Your opponent, if not dumb, will buy sentries. Deward those ***** all the time. Your invis is you key to success.
Push towers by eating up creep waves and making billions of spiders. Get kills from your passive slow and remember to go behind the enemy and close them in with spiders.
Remeber to lay down webs as you go and plan escapes into trees when you are being chased.
Your enemies will catch on harsh to your push. Be wary of gankers and you get cose to their base. And look for opportunities to stage a push when teamfights happen. This is usually how you will end the game.
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