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5 Votes

Brooding Over My Next Move

November 28, 2012 by TeTSee
Comments: 5    |    Views: 9746    |   

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Metadone | January 26, 2013 12:31pm
As a new player, I tried to play the broodmother and got completely lost with what to do, when and how. She's quite a intricate character to play. Then I read your guide and played another game following it to the letter. Needless to say I took the suicide lane (I believe that's the short lane for my team and the long lane for the opponent) on my own faster than my other four team mates took the other two. Granted I didn't rack the most kills (I still need to learn to use the items' effect) but I open the door wide open which remains the #1 priority of the game.
I have to add that Vlad is pure evil on the spiderling. I appreciate why some people prefer not to use it but I won't play the broodmother another time without it.
Thanks for the awesome guide!
+1 (would be +2 if I could).

Edit: One minor correction, I didn't exactly follow your guide to the letter. The two changes were:
- I didn't buy a healing salve
- I bought a courier as my first purchase (after the initial purchases). My reasoning was that we didn't have one and I need to be on my lane to do my job, not running around like a headless chicken trying to buy some stuff.
TeTSee | November 29, 2012 4:31pm
Thanks for commenting you guys! The reason I grab Vlads is because the armor and lifesteal make your spiders MUCH more survivable, as well as yourself. For my purposes, it works, but it won't work all the time, and sometimes it won't even be neccessary. But she's a caring mother, and I work more with my spiders and the main hero, rather than the hero supported by spiders. And you can just have the courier bring you the Soul Ring recipe, I just like having the extra regen. Lets you be a bit more aggressive. Either way, it's great advice that I will definately put some serious thought into, thanks a bunch!
Stormbolt | November 28, 2012 9:27pm
Great guide, only a few item-related things I disagree with. Vlad's isn't worth the money imo, your ult already gives you lifesteal and that's gold that could go to other core items. Instead of a ring of regen, I like to get a soul ring recipe right off the bat, since you can get the other parts of it at the side shop. Like Sp12 said, butterfly is a nice luxury because evasion stacks with incapacitating bite. I've found that Soul Ring -> Power Treads -> BKB -> Orchid -> Butterfly works best for me. Otherwise, excellent guide, +1
wilddeonpwn (102) | November 28, 2012 9:01pm
Good job on writing the guide TeTSee! I like your item build very much, Soul Ring into Vlads is very good. I like it. For the skill build, I think instead of getting Spin Web at lvl 4, you should put your point into 1 incapacitating bite. It aids you greatly in ganking, but I guess this is a pure pushing build for broodmother, yes? Also, I definitely think you should get your ultimate at 6. It lets you 1v1 most heroes, getting (imba) lifesteal.

Anyways, nice guide, it provides good enough information, +1 :)
Sp12 (25) | November 28, 2012 8:02pm
Butterfly is popular on her because evasion stacks with the blind chance from bite. On the other hand the enemy carry will get MKB against you anyway if you're threatening. Manta is pretty critical on her early as it not only gives her haste in her web network, but provides a reliable dust removal system and some more free push power.

Your skillbuild is good, though you will see most broods get web at 1 and 3 so they can quickly have 4 out and thus make sentry denying exp range too costly.

Vlads is probably not worth it, but AC can be good lategame. I think you should also mention sheep as a situational option in lieu of orchid.
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