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11 Votes

BristleHack n' Slash

April 3, 2013 by Poetastrophe
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xCO2 (72) | April 4, 2013 7:34am
Poetastrophe wrote:

Well, you will see that the game has been lying to all of you:

I know that, I think Dzika was the one who brought it up about a month ago, but its obviously unintended. Its probably a problem with the new engine of mechanics that deal with buff placers and orb effects. Just keep an eye out for updates.

I tend to keep my builds compliant with both Wc3 and DoTA2, that way it can be used by both communities. So its more of a peeve of mine.
Poetastrophe (4) | April 4, 2013 7:33am
But thanks for all the suggestions guys :)
I will be updating this one soon, and make sure to make it more nuanced (i.e. not assuming you will be a rich pig each time you play Bristleback)
And fix that Bristleback/ Bristleback hero/skill confusion.
And try to get even more in-depth with the later item-choices.
See you soon.
Poetastrophe (4) | April 4, 2013 7:27am
xCO2 wrote:

That's what it was! Something else was bothering me and I couldn't think of it. I always forget about the melee interaction, I guess its because I never bother building both.

I guess that was the last reason for not building Skadi. I mean, I guess you can settle for a Vlads, you'd do insane damage with your ultimate, but you'd be pretty squishy.

Well, you will see that the game has been lying to all of you:


Despite the in-game description, Eye of Skadi can be combined with lifesteal on melee heroes as well.
xCO2 (72) | April 4, 2013 7:14am
Wulfstan wrote:

Lifesteal does not work with Eye of Skadi on melee heroes(yes,I know the Satanic effect overrides that for 3.5 seconds).But one stun and you just lose the opportunity to heal.

The rest is good,+1.

That's what it was! Something else was bothering me and I couldn't think of it. I always forget about the melee interaction, I guess its because I never bother building both.

I guess that was the last reason for not building Skadi. I mean, I guess you can settle for a Vlads, you'd do insane damage with your ultimate, but you'd be pretty squishy.
Wulfstan (77) | April 4, 2013 1:12am
Lifesteal does not work with Eye of Skadi on melee heroes(yes,I know the Satanic effect overrides that for 3.5 seconds).But one stun and you just lose the opportunity to heal.

The rest is good,+1.
cookiebrawl (1) | April 4, 2013 12:37am
@poetastrophe Interesting guide. You start off in sidelane until Urn, and dive striaght into roaming/ganking, and finally transition into a semi-carry build with Skadi and Satanic.
Your item build suggests you're garanteed good farm in laning, and successful ganks where you get tons of money. (since skadi and satanic are very expensive and slow to build late-game items).

What would you do if your lane is not that good, or you cant pull those ganks off?

I mean, Goo is a nice slow, but it's not a stun and does no damage. Urn = bad early mana regen, even if it does scale well later on. You said you also get Bottle to compensate for this which is ok if you get the money I guess. Mid BB is weird as well. You don't need the early levels, since level 1 Goo can already be used to gank. Also BB is quite prone to stun/CC/nukes, especially early on (you even said so yourself), so how can you really expect to lane mid well, or constantly roam, unless your enemies have no strong stunners/nukers? (or if your team has alot)

Butterfly, Bloodstone, and Divine Rapier shouldnt even be considered. They are expensive and inefficient items for Bristleback.

Oh and I think you forgot to put in your skill-build!

Everything else is good :)

I have a BB guide myself, and I just think your guide is a little presumptious about having good farm etc. Just address these problems if you can!
drakon136 (3) | April 3, 2013 3:28pm
I think this is a pretty good guide. Only thing I would add is a mention of Medallion of Courage. Coupled with Viscous Nasal Goo, Bristleback can just melt armor like butter during ganks. Aside from that, +1.
xCO2 (72) | April 3, 2013 1:31pm
Poetastrophe wrote:

Well Quils falls short lategame. So who cares about them at that point? Making yourself more survivable with evasion is a top priority, and EHP is totally a valid factor since spells are dead at this point.
And the "teammate variable" is more than just Maim or disarm, and even if we follow your build about Halberd, attack-speed will be greatly needed for it to proc its maim, which is going to take a long time due to he most "hit hard not fast" (15% chance to proc!).

xCO2 wrote:

If you still want the attack speed, them in that case Assault Cuirass is a much better choice for you and your team, your quills deal physical damage.

Not only can you scale your quills with armor reduction abilities and items, but the more they proc the more stacks you can maintain on your ultimate, which from my understanding was the whole point of building Satanic.

Also, you are indeed ignoring the importance of the small mid game items. You're not getting exceptional free farm, your strongest factor as Bristleback is the mid game. The only hero I'd consider building a Skadi as a core would be Medusa, a hero that is expected to be free farming for the first 30 minutes of the game. It seems like you're just evading the fact that you have an overpriced core.

Note: you're missing your Orb of Venom in your initial or "formal" build up.
Poetastrophe (4) | April 3, 2013 1:19pm
Well Quils falls short lategame. So who cares about them at that point? Making yourself more survivable with evasion is a top priority, and EHP is totally a valid factor since spells are dead at this point.
And the "teammate variable" is more than just Maim or disarm, and even if we follow your build about Halberd, attack-speed will be greatly needed for it to proc its maim, which is going to take a long time due to he most "hit hard not fast" (15% chance to proc!).
xCO2 (72) | April 3, 2013 1:08pm
Poetastrophe wrote:

I don't agree with the "single swing" part. We can even try to look at the EHP you gain from Halberd and Butterfly.

At max level bristleback will have 1936 HP and 12.2 armor According to Dota2wiki.
Let us combine Halberd and Butterfly with Satanic, Skadi, Power Treads (strength) and urn.

Halberd with lategamecore: (1936+20*19+25*19+25*19+8*19+6*19)/(1-0.25)/(1-(0.06*(12.2+0.14*25))/(1+0.06*(12.2+0.14*25))) = 9145.53 EHP

Butterfly with lategamecore:
(1936+25*19+25*19+8*19+6*19)/(1-0.35)/(1-(0.06*(12.2+0.14*25+0.14*30))/(1+0.06*(12.2+0.14*25+0.14*30))) = 10639.2 EHP

We can also take Assault Cuirass into this EHP calculation, but it will for sure fall short since it offers no evasion.

Well I may conclude that people have different playstyles, but yet math is on my side :)

No, math is not "on your side", the whole point of Bristleback is to take up front damage to deal damage, in fact I wouldn't even bother getting evasion unless their carry is out of control and they have more than one heavy autoattacker. Evasion isn't Backtrack, therefore it doesn't proc your quills, EHP and HP are two different things and armor isn't HP. Mathcrafting doesn't work in the case of team building, you're missing the variables for your team mates, which you seem to be forgetting about. You're also forgetting the part where I said its cheaper and much more easily acquirable, as well as providing Maim, which is another reason for not needing to complete Skadi as a core.
Poetastrophe (4) | April 3, 2013 12:55pm
xCO2 wrote:

I think quite the opposite, on Bristleback once you get next to the rest of their team you need to be able to do as much damage as possible in your single swings, you'll find yourself often turning around to block certain spells or certain auto-attacks and won't be focused wacking away at someone even if you're chasing you will be breaking contact with them alot between swings and the attack speed becomes wasted. Phase allows your chasing to be unhindered by creep waves or unit blocking from enemy heroes.

I'm saying that it is so situational that its not even needed in the situational section of the build. You shouldn't be getting it because they have a couple slows, I'm talking ultimate level Like Medusa/Naga Siren/Enigma. Which should be touched on more in your guide when specific situations are good for the pick up.

The Bloodstone was just a misreading, I skimmed over the last few sentences of the paragraph and assumed it was a list of other options. In respects to the Halberd, you want the STR not the AGI you want to take as much damage as you can and should be stacking HP, especially since you opt for a Satanic instead of a Heart. You don't need the armor, or the attack speed. The Disarm is also greatly needed for your team in the case of the hard carry ignoring you because you're so beefy, they'll go straight for your squishy supports and by Disarming them you'll save them quite a few seconds, allowing more disables and supporting items like able for them to pop a Mek or a Pipe if you didn't get one. Overall its a cheaper, more easily acquirable item, that your team needs. If you still want the attack speed, them in that case Assault Cuirass is a much better choice for you and your team, your quills deal physical damage.

I still think you need to reconsider your pricey core, Drum is a great option, and Skadi's gold can be used on more efficient items. TP scrolls should definetly be in the core.

I don't agree with the "single swing" part. We can even try to look at the EHP you gain from Halberd and Butterfly.

At max level bristleback will have 1936 HP and 12.2 armor According to Dota2wiki.
Let us combine Halberd and Butterfly with Satanic, Skadi, Power Treads (strength) and urn.

Halberd with lategamecore: (1936+20*19+25*19+25*19+8*19+6*19)/(1-0.25)/(1-(0.06*(12.2+0.14*25))/(1+0.06*(12.2+0.14*25))) = 9145.53 EHP

Butterfly with lategamecore:
(1936+25*19+25*19+8*19+6*19)/(1-0.35)/(1-(0.06*(12.2+0.14*25+0.14*30))/(1+0.06*(12.2+0.14*25+0.14*30))) = 10639.2 EHP

We can also take Assault Cuirass into this EHP calculation, but it will for sure fall short since it offers no evasion.

Well I may conclude that people have different playstyles, but yet math is on my side :)
xCO2 (72) | April 3, 2013 12:49pm
Poetastrophe wrote:

Why are you writing this? You should usually always carry TP scrolls unless you are a hero like Nature's Prophet.
This guide is surely not intended for the lowest priority you can get.
I am not going to discuss the importance of TP-scrolls as much as I am not intending to discuss the importance of the courier.

I'm not sure if you realised this, but most of the reader-base for the site is new players. Carrying TP scrolls is a duh for you or me, but for them its not an understandable concept. While you're ganking you'll obviously be required to be using TP scrolls much more frequently than most other heroes anyways, so carrying two at a time is not uncommon.

These are just suggestions to clean up the build section a bit, you can take it or leave it, just some words of advice.
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