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14 Votes

Bristleback - The Pig That Never Dies

April 1, 2013 by TWONGHT
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TWONGHT (7) | March 29, 2013 6:40pm
Sandvichman wrote:

Regarding Venom Orb, in your explanation you list it as costing 450 gold. As of a recent patch it costs only 275 gold! This means that is even more cost efficient and can be bought much earlier on several heroes, BB included. I would also like to commend you for one of the best looking and most complete hero guides I have ever read. Voted up.

Thanks man, I really appreciate the feedback!
Sandvichman (3) | March 29, 2013 1:13pm
Regarding Venom Orb, in your explanation you list it as costing 450 gold. As of a recent patch it costs only 275 gold! This means that is even more cost efficient and can be bought much earlier on several heroes, BB included. I would also like to commend you for one of the best looking and most complete hero guides I have ever read. Voted up.
SideGFX | March 29, 2013 2:01am
If you start with a stout shield you can delay your Bristleback skill until level 3, and pick up Quill Spray and Nasal Goo at levels 1 and 2 respectively. This just means that you can chase more effectively in the early game, and you can even consider getting the orb of venom before you get your radiance if you are getting enough farm. It might increase your farm a bit more and improve your chasing ability even more.
LouisVacca | March 28, 2013 7:59pm
Is viable to rush a soul ring and tranquil boots? 'cause i found out of mana a lot in early game, and spamming soul ring and tranquil seemed to work fine, plus the extra movement speed to chase.
But I'm going to try out the urn, because if I don't build the soul ring the basilius it isn't nearly enough.
TWONGHT (7) | March 28, 2013 5:52pm

Two comments I'd like to make on your Rejected items. Mek is not always useless, especially when your team is in dire need of one. At best I consider it extremely situational (sometimes needed in a pub) but not completely rejected.

Also the newer Desolator doesn't seem too bad on Bristleback. You say it's useless because it requires you to attack too often, but since 6.75 the debuff lasts 15 seconds, which actually makes it a decent item even on support heroes. One attack every 15 seconds isn't bad at all. I'd consider it situational.

I'd also add Medallion of Courage into situational items (as a possible replacement for Urn, just like you have Vanguard as a possible replacement for Hood).

Anyway, great guide overall. The core items really are a perfect core. +1

I agree with you on the Medallion of Courage, but I feel that there are better alternatives to both a Mek and Desolator. Will defiantly add the Medallion to the situational items though. Thanks for the feedback!
noobschoolbus (1) | March 28, 2013 4:14pm
Two comments I'd like to make on your Rejected items. Mek is not always useless, especially when your team is in dire need of one. At best I consider it extremely situational (sometimes needed in a pub) but not completely rejected.

Also the newer Desolator doesn't seem too bad on Bristleback. You say it's useless because it requires you to attack too often, but since 6.75 the debuff lasts 15 seconds, which actually makes it a decent item even on support heroes. One attack every 15 seconds isn't bad at all. I'd consider it situational.

I'd also add Medallion of Courage into situational items (as a possible replacement for Urn, just like you have Vanguard as a possible replacement for Hood).

Anyway, great guide overall. The core items really are a perfect core. +1
TWONGHT (7) | March 28, 2013 12:18pm

Can he jungle? He has a control to gank and bonus in movement+AOE so maybe?

I wouldn't recommend it.
TWONGHT (7) | March 28, 2013 12:15pm
manoj129 wrote:

Dude can I use this build for my youtube channel... I will give credits to you in description ...?

manoj129 | March 28, 2013 6:15am
Dude can I use this build for my youtube channel... I will give credits to you in description ...?
thippo (10) | March 27, 2013 9:37pm
I don't think he'd be a good jungler. Maybe the occasional stacked small camp, but other than that it doesn't seem viable early on.
julian manson | March 27, 2013 9:17pm
Can he jungle? He has a control to gank and bonus in movement+AOE so maybe?
TWONGHT (7) | March 27, 2013 1:31pm
Bristleback has been officially released on the test client!
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