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Please note that guides, to appear as such here in the site (and therefore to appear in the front page, which helps people view them) have to be 5.000 or more characters. I suggest you try to make your guide more complete, with sections such as Friends and Foes (for the heroes that might go well with Bristle or that counter him) and your explanation on why you decided to go for that skill/item build (why not other items? what do your options do for your personal way of playing Bristle?).
I also like to play with Bristleback , and like to discuss item builds for the hero. So, I got a tip for you. Considering the guide title is Octarine Tank, you could write more about the reasons for you to use octarine, and in which game situations this build Octarine Tank is more suitable (for example, in many matches I find it better to buy some armor for Bristleback before getting an item such as Octarine). I think that would make your guide better, just a suggestion.
DOTAFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new hero, or fine tune your favorite DotA hero’s build and strategy.
Please note that guides, to appear as such here in the site (and therefore to appear in the front page, which helps people view them) have to be 5.000 or more characters. I suggest you try to make your guide more complete, with sections such as Friends and Foes (for the heroes that might go well with Bristle or that counter him) and your explanation on why you decided to go for that skill/item build (why not other items? what do your options do for your personal way of playing Bristle?).
Also, if you want to format a bit more, to include pics and such, take a look at this formatting guide:
Feel free do PM me with any question you might have. Welcome to Dota Fire!
I also like to play with
Keep it up, way to go mate! Ty for the guide