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15 Votes

Bring Down Their Sky - Pub Nuker Skywrath Mage

October 24, 2014 by O_Blade_O
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apaz (17) | June 10, 2015 4:08pm
At level 6, having 700 mana pool and a combo that costs 820 mana doesn't work. Arcane Boots are necessary.

I'm assuming that the combo is 1 Mystic Flare, 4 Arcane Bolt, 1 Concussive Shot, and 1 Arcane Seal.

350 + (70 * 4) + 110 + 80 = 820 mana

However, I do enjoy Tranquil Boots on support Skywrath Mage because a support Skywrath doesn't need a massive mana pool. You kinda just don't ever really cast your ult as a support.
NewTewPew | July 22, 2014 3:20am
Have you all try soul ring on him?..Such a nice item for him to get..But becareful with you hp..
O_Blade_O | July 13, 2014 7:28pm
Sure you got a point. BKBs are the bane of Skywrath but that's true for almost every other caster maybe except Lina due to her Agh's improved Laguna Blade and her passive, she's the first that comes in my mind.

Back to Black King Bar; I rarely saw (never actually) in pub games a whole team BKB'd. Usually is the main carry that gets it, clearly, but BKB is not infinite, and can be countered with Scythe of Vyse if you are good enough.

I can understand your concern but my Sky is somewhat unusual... forget everything about support and goes on assassinate heroes, and it needs somewhat a lot of practice.

Anyway i do not agree about the falls off HARD late game, i have 300 games with Skywrath and yes there are some big tank heroes that can be tough to bring down but others, and a lot of AGI heroes, still can be taken down in seconds even on late game. I can't think of a better nuker late game really, apart always Lina + Daedalus for her passive.

Anyway thanks for your input, i take the occasion to tell that I published my build on the STEAM COMMUNITY also, it should be available directly in-game!!
dotapro | July 13, 2014 6:10am
You definitely need to include the fact that skywrath is useless vs bkb carry heroes once they have their bkb, as he has nothing to hit them with. It is true he is so dominant early game and can transition well into the mid game but he falls off hard late game, especially vs bkb. In my opinion this guide doesn't stress how effective bkb is vs skywrath. Otherwise very good guide :)
O_Blade_O | July 8, 2014 4:01pm
thanks for your reply. As you can see i put arcane boots and force staff in the SITUATIONAL / PLAYSTYLE related items.

I made that item section because i understand that my way of playing Skywrath differs a lot from your usual "support play" where arcanes are almost mandatory, and Force Staff is on the list for a must have.

Really, i do understand that but it is just not my way of play. If you feel, you can ignore my item selection and use your own. Said in the first lines: all of this is IMHO .

From my experience, I value the move speed and the regen of Tranquil boots way more of having more mana but not having a mastodontic +12 HP regen.

Magic stick is nice but i do not use it... I'll write something about it anyway :) thanks for noticing me
ShoutyShout13 (2) | July 8, 2014 4:58am
There are a few things I like for you to note from my experience since Skywrath Mage is my most successive hero:

Force Staff

You burned my eyes when I did not see a Force Staff listed as a core. Even though you can't use it right, it is often lifesaver and can help you get out of very sticky situations. Yes, it does give relatively poor Intellegence, but it sacrifices some of them for a bit more health regeneration as well as being useful item.

Early items:

Null Talisman - GOOD
Tranquil Boots - NOT SO GOOD

Tranquil boots aren't really good for Sky because:

- Even after you used the combo and during the cooldown of Arcane Bolt, you would instinctively auto-attack. You are also the prime target of many heroes, so yo would be attacked.
- He lacks any means of mana until he gets Arcane Boots. Having the bonus of 250 + 100 mana earned from activation would equate to 7 Arcane Bolts. It is also used for that extra mana if you find out that you don't have any more.

I would like to know, why no Magic Stick? The 'power' it gives you is very good, with 225 health and mana given to you with 15 charges. Again, just in case you need that extra bit of mana or the health to survive.

You should only be getting Aghanim's Sceptre as a last resort, due to the very high mana cost of Mystic Flare.
Tigerre (4) | July 2, 2014 7:03pm
O_Blade_O wrote:

Ok i will as soon as i can. Matches ID are good enough?

Yes and no, match IDs are okay for a little while, but videos are better as they don't expire, and it's good to have visual representation of something, as that's how most people learn.
Proctodinia | June 30, 2014 1:08pm
Tried it, liked it... +1
Excelent guide!
O_Blade_O | June 20, 2014 1:36pm
Ok sorry to post this, but.
I made the Almost Perfect game with my build and Skywrath Mage. It ended 19 - 0 - 16 for me and it doesn't happen so often... almost never!

Match ID: 731731207

Tell me if you can download by game client the replay with no problems. Thanks
Gentleman Chimera | June 17, 2014 10:10pm
One thing that I think should be noted is that if you are going to pick Skywrath, make sure to pick last. Otherwise some ******* like me will come along and pick Pugna to make your life a living hell. If you do happen to go up against a Pugna, the best advice I can give is just be very aware of the Nether Ward aura. That way you won't cast your ult and die instantly to a ward blast.
Eheroduelist (2) | June 17, 2014 4:00pm
I LOVE playing Skywrath. His nukability is extremely useful in the early to mid game.
I personally HATE laning him as a lane support as his xp being split generally doesn't help him get to his maximum potential.

I feel as if he is strongest in the solo-mid or solo safe lane role (aggressive trilane or jungler).

Whenever I play Sky, generally I find it best to rely more on bottle for health sustain than tranquils, albeit you won't be auto-attacking much, you will still be constantly attacked (as you are ez feed for the enemy team being as squishy as you are).
Arcane boots/bottle are best for Skywrath as the bottle sustains your health and arcanes sustains your almost-always-empty mana pool.
My personal favorite build is Bottle -> Arcane Boots-> Force Staff (I play A LOT of supports so force staff is second nature to me, and it's so useful for escaping against positioning dependent heroes Clockwerk, Lifestealer, etc.) -> Eul's Scepter of Divinity (mana sustain + invulnerability = AWEEESOOOMMMMEEEEE) -> Aghanim's Scepter and/or Veil of Discord --> mana sustain/surviability ( Shiva's Guard is my favorite, Linken's Sphere, but I can see Ethereal Blade being useful though.)
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