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~My First Guide~ (such excite)
Okay I'll get to the point. This is not a guide on how to play Wraith King, it's easy anyways. It's more of a build guide. Wraith King gets too much flak for being useless in team fight and is always overlooked in the favor of Sven, a mere knight. He is one of my favorite heroes and I wanted him to be viable in pubs and competitive games as a hero that really contributes to the team.
So I'll be writing an in depth guide soon since I am still not done tinkering with the build. Some items might change. Anyways here are the two variations and why.
Yasha gives you attack speed and movement speed early game. Pretty crucial to a Wraith King that wants to have his presence know in a team fight. You start with Yasha and then go directly Force Staff.
IMO Force Staff works really well with Wraith King when he has an initiating role. Allows you to cover distance faster, save allies from dying and the best of all, push the squishy support away from his team and right at the mercy of you or your team. Stun, kill, rinse and repeat. Oh and never forget that delicious mana it gives.
Nothing pisses off enemies more than a ganking Wraith King with Shadow Blade(Maybe Pudge, he is good at pissing everyone one off). It gives nice stats and allows you to survive and surprise at the same time.
Post Shadow Blade, go for Boots of Travel. This will solve your movement and kiting problem while giving you a global presence. The movement speed bonus combined with the one from Yasha makes you really really fast on your feet.
Aha! now things are getting interesting. Finish your Yasha into Manta Style and then go for Radiance. Your illusion will have the Radiance aura plus your life steal, thus you can have better survivability and also allow you to split push.
This build replaces Yasha with Sange. Sange gives you damage and health also gives you the option to build a Heaven Halberds which further increase your damage and survivability. Most importantly it gives you access to disarm, allowing you and your team to destroy the enemy carry in a team fight. I can't even tell how many times it has saved my team's *** against a fed enemy right clicker.
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