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4 Votes

Bounty Hunter: understand the mechanics

December 23, 2012 by Rigul
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ex... | January 18, 2013 1:55am
This is the best guide on Bounty Hunter here. I looked at all of them including two later than this one and the amount of bs that I find in other ones if beyond my limits.
This one is concise, with logical skill build, item selection which isn't the list of all items in the game, and explains some mechanics which may be not obvious to the new players. +1
My oppinion is probably a bit biased since this is similar to how I play Bounty too :).
The only think I do differently is that I max shuriken toss at level 12 before shadow walk, but I guess it is a matter of preference and a beauty of dota that different things can work.
Rigul | January 8, 2013 9:21am
ezbreh wrote:

Overall, this guide is very misleading for many reasons.

- You suggest buying Battle Fury (An item only if BH has to hard carry, which is generally unheard of because he is outcarried late game) after purchased $17300 worth of items beforehand. Battle Fury is not a luxury, but rather a core that has a purpose to increase farm rate to put you better off in the late game.

- You suggesting laning Bounty Hunter in the lane of another carry, which is nothing short of stupid. Bounty is a solo laner is he is very level dependant, not to mention if you were to lane with a partner, it would be a babysitter.

- You start will little regeneration and stats. With this, you make the instant assumption you will not harassed in lane, which you most definitely will be. You suggest a quelling, the only reason you will want this is to cut in trees to hide while still soaking up experience, you don't need help with cs, you have reliable cs everytime jinada is off cooldown.

I stated earlier that Battle Fury isn't my first choice because I prefer the early armor reduction from Desolator. I never said it isn't a core item and that any build is subject to circumstance.

As for laning, I'm not suggesting double carry lanes. I'm simply saying how to handle situations as they arise. Unless you only play on premade teams, then I'm sure you may have played some pub games where the entire team picks carries.

The quelling/RoR combo also minimizes the need to take punishment from harassment since you can more easily go in for a last hit then go back out of harass range. Not saying this is the best starting combo, but it works really well if you play smart.
ezbreh (2) | December 26, 2012 7:23pm
Overall, this guide is very misleading for many reasons.

- You suggest buying Battle Fury (An item only if BH has to hard carry, which is generally unheard of because he is outcarried late game) after purchased $17300 worth of items beforehand. Battle Fury is not a luxury, but rather a core that has a purpose to increase farm rate to put you better off in the late game.

- You suggesting laning Bounty Hunter in the lane of another carry, which is nothing short of stupid. Bounty is a solo laner is he is very level dependant, not to mention if you were to lane with a partner, it would be a babysitter.

- You start will little regeneration and stats. With this, you make the instant assumption you will not harassed in lane, which you most definitely will be. You suggest a quelling, the only reason you will want this is to cut in trees to hide while still soaking up experience, you don't need help with cs, you have reliable cs everytime jinada is off cooldown.
TheGlow (2) | December 21, 2012 9:52am
Rigul wrote:

Ahh and so it doesn't, thanks. I just started playing again after a few months absent, so I guess I haven't been paying attention lol.

Even if you last played on Tuesday, you would still think it does. It was nerfed the other day.
Rigul | December 21, 2012 6:35am
Agreed, BF isn't a fallback item, I'm just saying if it isn't an item you were going for originally that this is a good item to build since you can get it in several pieces which individually don't cost that much.

As a personal preference I go with Desolator first, since most heroes don't buy armor for their builds and early\mid game, especially on casters, the armor reduction has a big increase in your damage output and allows for bigger burst damage.
Atlas (117) | December 20, 2012 12:59pm
I don't really consider BFury a "fallback" item. If you have good farm, it's great to grab early on, before a deso or anything else for the raw damage and regen it provides, as well, it makes your farming rate improve.
Rigul | December 20, 2012 11:31am
Ahh and so it doesn't, thanks. I just started playing again after a few months absent, so I guess I haven't been paying attention lol.
LiLPr0 (9) | December 20, 2012 9:28am
Track doesn't reduce armour anymore
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