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Bounty Hunter Offlane/Suicide/hard lane-solo

June 28, 2013 by twotall88
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dynasty987 (6) | October 4, 2013 6:39pm
Quelling blade completely pointless as an offlaner. You will not be going for many last hits so waste of 225 starting gold. You don't have enough regen to stay in lane against any trilane/decent duo lane. You don't get a BKB which is absolutely required with no reliable escape and your TERRIBLE strength growth. Even if lane is easy 3x iron branch is a much much much better idea than slipper of agility. You should be getting a magic stick anyway every single game so can turn them into a wand.

Vlads only situational really, same for medallion. To be honest same for your entire 'core'. The core items for bounty are drum and BKB, poor mans shield vs a heavy harassing lane (ie almost all).

Lots of issues to fix... but at least you didn't get a battlefury.
twotall88 (2) | September 19, 2013 10:39am
Karnosiris wrote:

your guide is quite good, having some cheap items really helps bonty more than going battlefury first (which is, in most cases, a grave mistake since bounty should roam around like a ninja and not farm for half the game).

in my experience i found urn of shadows to be a more effective item than vlad's for it's low gold cost (the 150 damage urn charge is HP removal and generally gets you kills on fleeing enemies) and once you get your drums, mana problems should become a thing of the past.

i usually play him as a support-ganker, since other heroes are better suited for the carry role. but if the game drags on, track gold will help you to modify your build accordingly.

one item i hardly see recommended on bounty is an eul's scepter. although mostly a situational item it does provide you with more versatility with the added disable. if the enemy team picks an axe, ursa, spirit breaker (or any really annoying initiator) you should definitely consider picking up the eul's. not to mention it can buy time in situations when your shadow walk is off cooldown or to dodge nukes or pesky aoe ults.

urn of chaos is situational as is vladmire's offering. This is mostly down to play style and who is on your team. Chances are someone else who will get a lot more use out of Urn will get it before you do. Vlad's is important depending on how the game is going and it can, at times, be more useful than a Black King Bar as the life steal stacked with Desolator usually adds up to about 1/4-1/3 of your health per jinada strike. Vlads is also important if you plan on roshing. With Bounty Hunter you can solo rosh as soon as you have deso and vlads (this is usually lvl 5+ at the earliest). I was in a game that wasn't a pub stomp and I managed to rosh at 6-9min because of track gold. Also going my build of items often allows you to get a battlefury within a 10 min period of time if you want that item after reaching lvl 11 (lvl 2 ult).

As far as the position I play with him is most often offlane/hard ganker (position 3) where your burst dmg is essential as well as mobility as you are essentially a walking ult/money maker for your team and that is the mane reason to get Bounty Hunter. At this point and with this play style you actually help your team more by getting dmg items and a bonus if you get deso as this helps your team do more dmg, coupled with jinada slow ever 8-6 seconds at lvl 7 and you are golden for taking out half the person's health or more within 7 seconds just with jinada (a lvl 6 Bounty Hunter with just Phase Boots vs a lvl 4 Rubick which is totally feasible being a solo offlane would deal about 611 dmg (or slightly less dependent on item choices after reductions, a bracer would add roughly 2% more dmg reduction which isnt much) within 7-8 seconds if done with the correct timing. Of course you wouldnt be ganking solo so you would have at least one other hero hitting as well. Rubick at this point would only have 587-700 hp depending on item choices and free track gold.

As far as Euls... you are right, it is EXTREMELY situational as all it does for bounty is add more mana/regen and some move speed. You are better off with an orchid, in most cases, for 1,325 more gold (or the parts to make it to the same amount of 2,800 gold which would be 1 Oblivion Staff and 1 Quarterstaff which would give you +25dmg and 20 attack speed) as they would provide straight dmg and more attack speed to up your dps and burst from jinada.

I've redone the math and turns out if you want more burst dmg a 3/1/1/1 or 2/1/2/1 with the latter having roughly 10.5 less dmg within 7 seconds of engagement. Of course if you dont save Shadow Walk for escape the 2/1/2/1 would do about 54 more dmg while the 3/1/1/1 would only do 27 more dmg after reductions. But you do have to remember that focusing Shuriken Toss significantly hinders your mana pool and will most likely have you going back to base more between ganks or even after each gank
Karnosiris | August 28, 2013 5:15am
your guide is quite good, having some cheap items really helps bonty more than going battlefury first (which is, in most cases, a grave mistake since bounty should roam around like a ninja and not farm for half the game).

in my experience i found urn of shadows to be a more effective item than vlad's for it's low gold cost (the 150 damage urn charge is HP removal and generally gets you kills on fleeing enemies) and once you get your drums, mana problems should become a thing of the past.

i usually play him as a support-ganker, since other heroes are better suited for the carry role. but if the game drags on, track gold will help you to modify your build accordingly.

one item i hardly see recommended on bounty is an eul's scepter. although mostly a situational item it does provide you with more versatility with the added disable. if the enemy team picks an axe, ursa, spirit breaker (or any really annoying initiator) you should definitely consider picking up the eul's. not to mention it can buy time in situations when your shadow walk is off cooldown or to dodge nukes or pesky aoe ults.
JuggernAlz | June 29, 2013 9:03am
This is pretty much the same build I use. Well written and explained! +1
Xyrus (104) | June 28, 2013 12:31am
Well written guide, you clearly explain your items and skill build. +1
twotall88 (2) | June 27, 2013 2:02pm
lvl 2 Shuriken Toss isn't bad, as you say it does double the dmg. However, it doesn't help you THAT much in the laning phase. You cannot discount the 25% slow/last hit potential 2 seconds more often for no mana, that could literally be the difference of an out-of-position support or squishy carry in your lane from dying or them being able to make it behind their tower. The levels on Jinada are more so for the cool-down than the damage early game. But as I say in the guide the kill level depends on situational aspects of the game.
Yosiu | June 26, 2013 10:58am
Overall very nice guide. I play BH very often and i'm buying very similiar items.
I usually skill shadow walk-jinada-shiruken-shiruken. I try to get early lvl 2 Shuriken Toss since it gives 2x damage (200 instead of 100) for 15 mana more. It is much better at early levels than 25% crit and 2 sec lower cd from lvl 2 Jinada. Then i leave shiruken at lvl 2 and grab second point in shadow walk while maxing jinada. I found this skillbuild superior.
+1 for build
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