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September 29, 2017 by Phsc
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Hello, my name is Phsc and this is a guide about boots, all of them, and even some other items...
So, what is a boot?
Boots are things you put on your feet... but what is a boot on dota?
It's a item almost every hero needs in almost every game of dota!
In basically all the builds in this website you will find guides with boots on them...
And am I the only one who thinks it's kinda strange? you're losing one slot for... boots?

Should I get boots?

It's pretty simple, a few heroes have skills that allow them to move fast around the map, and when you see high-skilled players playing with them... they just skip boots!
I'm talking about Anti-Mage... Weaver... maybe Faceless Void... Queen of Pain, and maybe even heroes with high base move speed and slows, Pudge, Death Prophet, Enchantress, Leshrac...
Why waste a slot with a useless item?
Early on getting boots is really important, the movespeed is the difference betwen dying and killing.
Most of the boots have a thing in common.
They all give stats, cheap stats...
Power Treads is the most common one, it gives stats, simple, you can activate it to change the stat you want, so you can change it to intelligence when activating a spell, and strenght when getting damage, that's tread switching.
Phase Boots is also common, it gives damage and a movespeed boost, good early on, kinda bad later...
Arcane Boots is pretty common also, mostly by supports, or people that need mana, you can disassemble it later so if you're going for Bloodstone, just get this then disassemble later, also upgrates to Guardian Greaves, which is probably the best ultra-late-game boots, if your team has one, just don't get it, it doesn't stack, if it's 2 hours in a game and you already made that Boots of Travel... get it! it gives stats and armor and stuff, pretty good.
If you want to be mobile, get Boots of Travel, if you went for other boots or you're playing someone who doesn't need boots, like Anti-Mage, just put it in your backpack and keep blinking around! it's kinda a core item for a few heroes, like Ember Spirit who just split pushes a lot, Tinker because he has Rearm, and heroes that just need to split-push and farm but also need to be active on teamfights, like Invoker, considering that he is able to teleport to his Forge Spirit, you can also upgrade it to teleport to heroes, kinda neat late-game.
And then, there's Tranquil Boots, an offlaner's or a roamer's dream, it gives regen and movespeed, yay! but if you attack/get attacked, it turns off, pretty simple, drop it/put it in your backpack, attack a few creeps, pick it up, and now you're regenerating a lot!

Need more movespeed?

You can always get stuff like Blink Dagger, Force Staff/ Hurricane Pike and Shadow Blade initiation and escape tools, but if you need that extra movespeed, consider getting an...
Wind Lace... cheap movespeed! goes into Eul's Scepter of Divinity which is also a great item for initiation and escaping.
Yasha, Manta Style and Sange and Yasha... it gives % based movespeed, great for heroes that need to keep hitting people, like Luna and Juggernaut... also it gives really great stats, and goes into nice items!

But some times I don't need to be fast, if the person is slow/not moving... why would I need more movespeed? Stuns are the key to killing a hero, disabling him, killing him, that's the support job most of the time, disabling the enemy carry.
Or you can kite him to death, with items like Orb of Venom, Eye of Skadi and Shiva's Guard, if you need a stun, get Skull Basher or Abyssal Blade.

But are you getting stunned, kited and stuff like that? get Black King Bar or pick Lifestealer and it's not a problem... for a limited period of time... but keep in mind that there's a few disables that just pierce spell immunity like Pudge's ultimate Dismember...

And this is it, a guide to boots and movespeed!

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