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8 Votes


December 25, 2011 by AngryJuju
Comments: 4    |    Views: 10244    |   

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J Rye (1) | April 4, 2012 5:20am
Personally, I like to level thirst before bloodrage. Or rather, level bloodrage once before maxing out stats and then finish it up. If bloodrage is still at level 1, it can be used for a semi effective and sometimes crucial silence. The more you level it, though, the more the damage on whom you cast it on becomes- GREAT for you at level 4, TERRIBLE to cast on someone else (you'll more than likely get pwned). Again, this is just preference, though, so I won't vote just yet. As previously said, this is just a build. Hopefully this gets fixed up in the next couple weeks.
kumquat (15) | December 25, 2011 6:30pm
Not a guide, just a build.

I'll take my downvote off if this turns into a guide. :O
Sarcy (27) | December 25, 2011 6:19pm
I don't agree with the skill build at all. You should get a maximum of 2 points in blood bath then level bloodrage and thirst before maxing it. Also the lack of radiance in your build disturbs me.

I would suggest posting more than just a skill/item build if you don't want the guide to be downvoted into oblivion. Not going to because it isn't finished obviously but for me at this point it's -1
Cfoofoo | December 25, 2011 6:02pm
One point in thirst before level 10 isn't enough.
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