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5 Votes

Bloodseeker the dawn of new era

June 6, 2013 by GGnet.Ace
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mxe363 | June 7, 2013 3:44pm
have you considered going for an early Maelstrom? kinda similar to the radiance build play style but with an emphasis on attack speed
GGnet.Ace (4) | June 6, 2013 10:22pm

Decent guide, but I would remove bottle from the item list - he doesn't need health regen and he isn't really mana starved (unless you uselessly spam abilities)

I said its situational if you have to contest for runes.
InvisibleTreeMan | June 6, 2013 5:21pm
Decent guide, but I would remove bottle from the item list - he doesn't need health regen and he isn't really mana starved (unless you uselessly spam abilities)
GGnet.Ace (4) | June 5, 2013 9:09pm
Wisdomseyes1 wrote:

You should either not sell your quelling blade or buy a Force Staff against Nature's Profit, especially if sprout hurts you (and you can use force staff with bloodseeker anyway)

I just wanted to say some things.

"No nuke" is not a valid con. Many heroes lack nuking potential, but they make up for it with reliable Damage Per second. That said, Bloodseeker does have a nuke. A 150/250/350 damage nuke, to be exact.

You cannot reject Battlefury and call bloodseeker a #1. Very often, and rightfully so, Bloodseeker is played as a number 2 or number 3, simply because he doesn't make a whole lot of use out of his farm but he does need it. His core items, basically, are flexible.

Other than that, I see no problems with your guide. Bloodseeker to my knowedge was picked up one time competitively. Every hero on the team built a force staff. This new patch gives him the ability to go through magic immunity (with rupture), which may or may not matter with the nerf to bloodseeker and the buffs to omniknight, the added armor which will allow him to play more of a Nightstalker role in terms of diving towers, and a purge which again may or may not matter (though early game dispelling a Double Damage Rune is quite nice... and late game you did nothing xD)

Nuke =Spammable damage spell.Nuke your enemy means bring him down by using a spell again and again and again.
Salari (1) | June 5, 2013 7:10pm
Dwemer wrote:

Bloodseeker will never be a competitive pick..

Well, you're wrong. He's already seen competitive play since the update. Quantic vs zRage, he was drafted by Quantic, they won the game and they did very well with Bloodseeker.

Rupture going through magic immunity is a ridiculously good buff. Making a carry lose health as they're running around a teamfight is very powerful.
Dwemer (1) | June 5, 2013 6:20pm
Bloodseeker will never be a competitive pick..
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | June 5, 2013 4:32pm
You should either not sell your quelling blade or buy a Force Staff against Nature's Profit, especially if sprout hurts you (and you can use force staff with bloodseeker anyway)

I just wanted to say some things.

"No nuke" is not a valid con. Many heroes lack nuking potential, but they make up for it with reliable Damage Per second. That said, Bloodseeker does have a nuke. A 150/250/350 damage nuke, to be exact.

You cannot reject Battlefury and call bloodseeker a #1. Very often, and rightfully so, Bloodseeker is played as a number 2 or number 3, simply because he doesn't make a whole lot of use out of his farm but he does need it. His core items, basically, are flexible.

Other than that, I see no problems with your guide. Bloodseeker to my knowedge was picked up one time competitively. Every hero on the team built a force staff. This new patch gives him the ability to go through magic immunity (with rupture), which may or may not matter with the nerf to bloodseeker and the buffs to omniknight, the added armor which will allow him to play more of a Nightstalker role in terms of diving towers, and a purge which again may or may not matter (though early game dispelling a Double Damage Rune is quite nice... and late game you did nothing xD)
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