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8 Votes

Bloodseeker is overpowered

February 28, 2012 by alvadagansta
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HamSandwich (34) | March 30, 2012 1:00am
I think what Atlas means that if you give 80% damage to a Tidehunter, it isn't as big of a deal as if you give 80% damage to PotM or Viper.
alvadagansta (1) | March 29, 2012 4:31pm
Atlas wrote:

You can do many things with full level Blood Rage. By leveling you make both sides of the spectrum more extreme (longer silence and more damage). You need to think about how you can use that skill. You can cast it on yourself after you ulti for insane attack damage, or you can cast it on a caster hero that will not be able to do much with their auto attacks anyway.

If cast on yourself, you nearly double your damage for a very long duration. This could mean the difference between killing someone or not, or taking a tower or not.

If cast on someone else, it should be for the silence effect. Silencing an initiator before a fight could turn the battle around completely.

I know how the skill works. What i'm saying is that if you max blood rage early, casting it on enemy heroes to silence will increase their damage by 80%, and this is really dangerous. Does the 80% increased damage not work with enemy heroes or something?
Atlas (117) | March 3, 2012 9:15pm
alvadagansta wrote:

This is true. But Once you level blood rage up, you shouldn't cast it on enemy heroes anymore, thus losing a silence ability. Whether trading silence for 80% damage is a good thing depends on the game you're playing.

You can do many things with full level Blood Rage. By leveling you make both sides of the spectrum more extreme (longer silence and more damage). You need to think about how you can use that skill. You can cast it on yourself after you ulti for insane attack damage, or you can cast it on a caster hero that will not be able to do much with their auto attacks anyway.

If cast on yourself, you nearly double your damage for a very long duration. This could mean the difference between killing someone or not, or taking a tower or not.

If cast on someone else, it should be for the silence effect. Silencing an initiator before a fight could turn the battle around completely.
alvadagansta (1) | March 3, 2012 8:51pm
Smayonnaise wrote:

u should skill blood rage more after lvl 16 or so, as it means u can cast on yourself for a huge damage buff.

This is true. But Once you level blood rage up, you shouldn't cast it on enemy heroes anymore, thus losing a silence ability. Whether trading silence for 80% damage is a good thing depends on the game you're playing.
Smayonnaise (2) | February 29, 2012 1:08pm
u should skill blood rage more after lvl 16 or so, as it means u can cast on yourself for a huge damage buff.
HamSandwich (34) | February 29, 2012 11:14am
Usually you skill bloodrage past level 1.
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