Bloodseeker after 150 match..
November 20, 2012
noob bloodseeker love radiance as 1st item. no radiance for bloodseeker.
good but too expensive
if u out basher 1st. easy die when gank. if u out basher after lvl15... better out butterfly or daedalus
-alway get a dust to gank when got a invi hero.
-force staff is good to kill hero like riki ,antimage,mirana,
-mask alway with daedalus
-battlerfury onli get it. when u meet pl n c.knight and manta
main for bloodrage is use for silent
oso use to farm nc
dont silent yourself in early game
early game use bloodrage to fight when solo mid.
-oso can "d" creep to denied and absorb hp back.
better max it in early game ,
- open map for invorker sunstrike, zeus, furion.
-easy escape
some ppl say that rupture is no use when enemy no move.
but, rupture for me is use for stay ppl onli. move dmg juz a bonus.
if enemy tp?
deso , 70% hero cant escape in tp time.
-rupture veri need timing and experience to use it
-go 1st using blademail n bkb
-silent int hero
-rupture 1 hero stay he for team, n fight another hero (dont ulti and fight same hero, it is waste)
kill less hp 1st to absorb hp back.
gank when u got ulti. n stay near to team when farm.
stay behind team , n fishing.....
use shadow blade hunting
new guide will born after 300 match.
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