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4 Votes

Bloodseeker - a short essay on how to fly

August 2, 2015 by GeRoCk
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GeRoCk | August 16, 2015 9:57pm
thank u +rep given :)
ChiChi (47) | August 5, 2015 9:43am
Nice guide! I like what you've done here, your choices and explanations. +1
apaz (17) | August 3, 2015 1:32am
Okay, so I was wrong. Even more damage. So close, yet so far.
GeRoCk | August 2, 2015 11:07pm
Hamstertamer wrote:

1.4 * 1.4 = 1.96. It's multiplication not addition.

Otherwise yes, dagon Bloodseeker is legit because of the damage amplification and the fact that BS can get one very early (and it's coming from me who always keeps saying that dagon any hero that isn't Tinker, Furion or Nyx is a garbage build so that's saying something).

...just obviously you can't do this build if you're your team's main carry, there's a lot of safe lane BS these days and on a safe lane BS right-click items are the norm.

ah its multiplication i see , that explains so much .. xD
ty totally agree with you in the other points aswell.
Hamstertamer (89) | August 2, 2015 10:42pm
GeRoCk wrote:

I´m not good at math somehow double bloodrage seems to give 96% more damage and not 80%

1.4 * 1.4 = 1.96. It's multiplication not addition.

Otherwise yes, dagon Bloodseeker is legit because of the damage amplification and the fact that BS can get one very early (and it's coming from me who always keeps saying that dagon any hero that isn't Tinker, Furion or Nyx is a garbage build so that's saying something).

...just obviously you can't do this build if you're your team's main carry, there's a lot of safe lane BS these days and on a safe lane BS right-click items are the norm.
GeRoCk | August 2, 2015 10:10pm
apaz wrote:

Dagonseeker is legit. Bloodrage yourself, Bloodrage your enemy, Eblade them. Dagon them.

Ethereal Blade Damage:
At LV.25, Bloodseeker has 99 AGI with no items.
(99*2+75) * 1.4(Bloodrage#1) * 1.4(Bloodrage#2) * 1.4(Ethereal Blade amplifies it's own damage) = 749 Magical damage (Approximately, the actual value depends on your current AGI. 99 is just a very approximate guess.)

Dagon(5) Damage:
800 * 1.4(Bloodrage#1) * 1.4(Bloodrage#2) * 1.4(Target is ethereal) = 2195 magical damage

749 + 2195 = 2944 Magical damage

2944 * .75(Normal magic resistance) = 2208 damage

2208 damage is insane. You turn into a better Morphling. Indeed legit. I rest my case. You can also buy a Veil of Discord or a Orchid Malevolence to make it even MORE fun. Dagon into Ethereal Blade is actually viable.

I'm glad that you included Dagonseeker in the guide. I really like it, +1. The formatting is good, the build is good, and the explanations are good. I can't really find anything wrong with it.

You made me really happy with this comment :D
I´m not good at math somehow double bloodrage seems to give 96% more damage and not 80% i rly dont
understand but i think your very positive comment with the maths underlines my build ty ty ty :)
I gave you a rep :)
apaz (17) | August 2, 2015 8:51pm
Dagonseeker is legit. Bloodrage yourself, Bloodrage your enemy, Eblade them. Dagon them.

Ethereal Blade Damage:
At LV.25, Bloodseeker has 99 AGI with no items.
(99*2+75) * 1.4(Bloodrage#1) * 1.4(Bloodrage#2) * 1.4(Ethereal Blade amplifies it's own damage) = 749 Magical damage (Approximately, the actual value depends on your current AGI. 99 is just a very approximate guess.)

Dagon(5) Damage:
800 * 1.4(Bloodrage#1) * 1.4(Bloodrage#2) * 1.4(Target is ethereal) = 2195 magical damage

749 + 2195 = 2944 Magical damage

2944 * .75(Normal magic resistance) = 2208 damage

2208 damage is insane. You turn into a better Morphling. Indeed legit. I rest my case. You can also buy a Veil of Discord or a Orchid Malevolence to make it even MORE fun. Dagon into Ethereal Blade is actually viable.

I'm glad that you included Dagonseeker in the guide. I really like it, +1. The formatting is good, the build is good, and the explanations are good. I can't really find anything wrong with it.
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