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Blaze the Fire-Starter

October 30, 2013 by hjvaughan
Comments: 1    |    Views: 4475    |   

Blaze the Fire-Starter

October 30, 2013

Chapter Title

Blaze the Fire-Starter
Strength: 22+2.3
Agility: 17+1.8
Intelligence: 24+2.6

Refill (Active)
The Fire-Starter refills his lighter, gaining fire charges. Each fire charge makes the Fire-Starter's auto attack do more damage

Charges gained: 3/6/9/12
Extra damage per charge: 5
Mana cost: 50/45/40/35
Cooldown: 45
Channel Time: 1/1.5/2/2.5

Blaze (Active) (Magical)
The Fire-Starter uses some of his fire charges to light any trees in an AoE on fire. Blazed trees deal damage to enemies of the Fire-Starter in the same AoE. The Blazed trees are then destroyed after a duration.

Charges used: 1/2/3/4
AoE: 600/625/650/675
Blazed trees damage per second: 25/50/75/100
Duration: 5/10/15/20
Mana cost: 120
Cooldown: 38/44/50/56

Fuel Leak (Active) (Magical)
The Fire-Starter uses some of his charges to overfill his fuel tank. For a short duration the Fire-Starter leaves a trail of oil which bursts into flame at the end of the duration, damaging any enemy trapped in his path.

Charges used: 3/5/7/9
Duration: 3/4/5/6
Damage: 100/150/200/250
Mana cost: 100
Cooldown: 35

Fire in the Skies (Active) (Magical)
The Fire-Starter releases the remainder of his fire charges into the air. After a short delay the flames rain down, dealing damage to any enemy caught in its AoE. The damage is split amongst enemy units equally, dealing less damage the more enemies there are. (Divide damage by amount if units and distribute that damage to enemy units) Trees caught in the AoE also become Blazed Trees.

Delay: 5/4/3
Damage: 100x fire charges used
Mana cost: 300/400/500
Cooldown: 240/200/160
Delay: 2.5/2/1.5
Cooldown: 120/100/80
Damage: 50x fire charges used

Thanks for reading my idea for Blaze the Fire-Starter, please comment any critism (preferably of the constructive variant) as to what I should do to change him.

Thanks again!

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