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9 Votes

BLACK HOOOOOOOLE: A Guide to a Useful Jungle Enigma

June 28, 2015 by UnrulySupportGuy
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Flayed | July 5, 2015 1:24pm
Overall great guide as one my favorite heroes to play and my 3rd successful overall i like this guide a lot and really thinks it tells exactly what to do if you never/rarely played enigma. However if am queuing a party of 5 with my friends and playing enigma jungle i go a different path. While normally if you are playing a solo ranked/pub it may be a good idea to go for that mek since communication isn't as strong and the early blink may not mean as much. IF am in a party 5 and am actively in a oovou/skype call with them I can tell one thing blink is better. To be perfectly honest blink as an item is better to quote on quote rush on enigma. First off assuming of course your in a 5 party with active communication, you as enigma are either position 3/4. If you playing position 3 then you will most likely be doing a lot more farming, skip on the mek and go for either bkb if they have to many disables, refereser for constant teamfights or ultra late game or agths for damage. A position 4 engima would be going for mek, mana boots, guardian greaves then after maybe either an agths/referser/bkb, of course always buying a blink for both pos 3/4. Now the problem with buying a blink first is usually his squishy and the fact if your jungle gets invaded your done for. Now if you in a party 5 you most likely will have guaranteed jungle protection from of course wards and your pos 5 support if invasions do happen, and if you are pos 3 you can probably farm up for quite a bit before needed. Now since you will be protected I personally rather go for blink as if a early skirmish happens that element of a surprise black hole is huge and can lead for an early. Of course if you in a pub/solo ranked id recommend this op's build as the mek is always nice and with less communication you can't guarantee jungle safety. Overall great guide for one of my favorite heroes 9/10 well done op :)
michimatsch (26) | June 29, 2015 8:19pm
Aghanim's Scepter is also something you should consider not only for damage but also for the fact that it's stats, and Nig needs stats like my friend roach needs to get laid (it's like he's sitting in the middle of Sand King 's Sandstorm it's so bad)
Change the mud golems though
UnrulySupportGuy (1) | June 28, 2015 8:03pm
@Squiddzzy: Trust me, it's a really good idea. A lvl 6 Lion can blow an Enigma at level 11 out of the water if he doesn't have Mek, ecause he's too damn squishy.
Squidzzy | February 12, 2015 4:10am
Getting a Mek before a Blink is not a good idea.
Starbucks 64 (3) | September 28, 2014 4:41pm
Timminatorr wrote:

Also i would like to know the reasoning behind behind euls, there is not much synergy and enigma can afford to go for more expensive items since he farms so fast.

It's cheap int and mana regen, which is nice since this would hopefully be after your blink and bkb, and by that point you probably will be teamfighting more and may possibly need a buyback if the enemy team is capable of shutting him down before black hole. It's nice regen that's helpful when you have levels to back it up. Scythe is better late game, this is definitely true. But unless the game is super long I personally would just go the cheaper route. And like unruly said, it's good for avoiding certain abilities.
UnrulySupportGuy (1) | September 28, 2014 4:20pm
Timmernatorr: I love Eul's, it's actually my favorite item aside from Blink Dagger, so I'm a bit bias towards it, because of the move speed and the extra CC control. Engima on his own has enough CC to deal with people normally, but I'd like to think that in the aftermath of the Black Hole that people might try to TP away and Malefice has already been used, and is also useful when there's a Skywrath Mage , a Sniper , or a Faceless Void playing against you. It allows you to dodge nukes like Assassinate , Finger of Death , and Laguna Blade , or in the case of the Void, allows you to send him up in the air just long enough for you to start running away. On the other hand, yes you are right that the sheep stick would be a better choice in a late game when someone is being caught out.
Timminatorr (57) | September 28, 2014 3:22am
Lately enigmas are starting to get midnight pulse for jungling, i think you should try it out instead of fully maxing malafice since it makes jungling faster and allows you to clear stacks.

Also i would like to know the reasoning behind behind euls, there is not much synergy and enigma can afford to go for more expensive items since he farms so fast.
UnrulySupportGuy (1) | September 27, 2014 9:53am
Hey there once again, MuoiKhoang, glad you're back.

I played Enigma in a ranked match the other day to confirm if I needed to change this guide, and so far, he's still able to get off his ult and a Mekansm , even with the nerf and his poor mana pool, but for new players, they probably should go for Arcane Boots since they might need the extra mana. But the way my particular group plays him, Blink is necessary to have, and getting the Arcanes delays it for 1000 gold. Either way, Mana Boots are a great idea. My Steam name is Sanic teh Hedchogg, and it's a picture of Sonic with a weird grin. :p

Starbucks 64:

I do agree there are a lot of heroes which Mek could benefit, but I feel Enigma's role is so important and he's so squishy as an Int. hero he benefits the most from having it. I've always believed the support with the highest teamfight who doesn't need to rush Agh's should carry it, since he's guaranteed to participate in the fight, thus being able to heal everyone. I'll definitely put in something about Rubick though, he needs to be addressed.


Scythe definitely stacks very well for solo kills and allows him another CC. Definitely adding it to the guide.

Thank you all for your input, encouragement, and your +1s.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | September 26, 2014 7:09pm
add scythe and Shivas to late game situationals as they are very good on enigma and with hte recent Black King Bar changes, scythe becomes 10 times more effective late game (bkb cannot be refreshed by recipe)
Starbucks 64 (3) | September 26, 2014 8:37am
I like the skill build and most of the item build. I would put mek a situational item only because there are a lot of people can pick it up, and depending on who you are going up against, you may want to try to get a bkb as soon as possible. Also I think you should emphasize what to do when there is an enemy Rubick, because Rubick is his biggest counter to enigma, do to his ability to turn Enigma's black hole against him. Black hole goes through bkb, which means if the Rubick is smart, he'll just wait for you to initiate and counter initiate on you, wasting your bkb.
Also this is more of a pet peeve than something related to the guide. Don't rely on miss calls, miss calls are a courtesy that is nice, but if you have wards up, you should be fine just watching the minimap.
+1 on this guide. Glad to see a decent support player.
MuoiKhoang (6) | September 26, 2014 6:34am
Hi, It seems like you are not familiar with formatting on Dotafire. I recommend you to check out Dr.D guide to formatting, which had helped me a lot when writing my own guide.
Oh wait, ****, wrong post. Seems like we keep pumping into each other on DotaFire huehuehuehue...
So, nice guide, and nice to see you being very active. You should probably take some time off to polish your 2 guides, add some pictures, test out the new patch...
Here are some thought:
  • Don't be afraid to use Black Hole to secure 1 kill in the early game. Pretty standard advice, but new players might not know this.
  • check rune every 2 minutes, and ask your safe lane support to buy a Bottle, because you will guarantee a refill every 2 minutes.
  • with the mana cost nerd for Mekansm, I think you just have to go Arcane Boots.
You seems to pay supports a lot, don't you Mr.UnrulySupport? Add me on Steam and play with me sometimes. I really need a break from the 5 carries pubbies strat, and have a real support who know what he is doing is god sent. Cheers!
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