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Big Momma's Back! (Beginner's Ganking Guide)

December 3, 2012 by Aznspace
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CrimsonDragon | February 26, 2015 6:19am
Doomfire00 wrote:

Can I just say Wulfstan, I disagree, I don't like this guys' guide to ganking, not enough in incapacitating bite earlier, over-reliance on webs and bad weapon choices. BUT, Broodmother is a die-hard ganker, her ult combined with Vladimir's Offering gives you a 96% lifesteal and a 100 damage boost and 15% attack boost; combine that with a 40% miss-chance with incapacitating bite and if you can, get butterfly, giving you a 65% chance to avoid attacks (Yes it stacks) and her 300 damage nuke and you have a force to be reckoned with.
Last two rounds I played with Broodmother I went 22 for 6 and 37 for 1, play her right and you can get good early ganks, giving you a ridiculous lead in levels.

I don't think Broodmother could ever "over-rely" on her webs, they are key to her survival. Therefore, she should rarely leave a lane, especially an uncontested one without them. The only time a gank would be opportune would be if a hapless hero wanders into your webs.
And don't let her skillset fool you. Although she is great at 1v1 combat, she is still squishy and the enemy can easily see you coming. As Wulfstan said, as soon as a web drops, a skilled player will either run, call for back-up, or have Dust of Appearance ready.
You will do better for your team by dominating your lane and force pressure with your pushing.
You may have had some great games using her to gank, but if you were up against inexperienced players, then that lessens the credibility of doing so.
Doomfire00 | February 12, 2013 5:46am
Can I just say Wulfstan, I disagree, I don't like this guys' guide to ganking, not enough in incapacitating bite earlier, over-reliance on webs and bad weapon choices. BUT, Broodmother is a die-hard ganker, her ult combined with Vladimir's Offering gives you a 96% lifesteal and a 100 damage boost and 15% attack boost; combine that with a 40% miss-chance with incapacitating bite and if you can, get butterfly, giving you a 65% chance to avoid attacks (Yes it stacks) and her 300 damage nuke and you have a force to be reckoned with.
Last two rounds I played with Broodmother I went 22 for 6 and 37 for 1, play her right and you can get good early ganks, giving you a ridiculous lead in levels.
Wulfstan (77) | December 6, 2012 6:06am
Aznspace wrote:

Usually I have Broodmother working with somebody WITH a stun - as in, while she's in a webbed lane, someone with a stun from another lane comes up to initiate the gank - and she just pops out of nowhere to assist. I've got a few videos playing Broodmother that I can post up to show you how I do it!

That doesn't mean she ganks.It means that her lane is getting ganked by a teammate.Effectively Broodmother doesn't gank,she gets helped.
Aznspace | December 5, 2012 2:35pm
Usually I have Broodmother working with somebody WITH a stun - as in, while she's in a webbed lane, someone with a stun from another lane comes up to initiate the gank - and she just pops out of nowhere to assist. I've got a few videos playing Broodmother that I can post up to show you how I do it!
Wulfstan (77) | December 5, 2012 1:50am
Broodmother doesn't gank,she just pressures 1 lane,she's a split pusher.HAS ABSOLUTELY NO GANKING CAPABILITY.As soon as the enemy hero will see you putting down your net,they will just run away.
PotM_Plz (19) | December 4, 2012 2:57pm
But she isnt a ganker..
CNP9 (1) | December 4, 2012 11:18am
you just focus on ganking and brood should be carry too, u dont even get agility items i think it could be way better but for ganking is good attack speed and bkb and silence
PotM_Plz (19) | December 4, 2012 7:57am
honestly i think you have a misconception about Broodmother. She really shouldn't be doing much, if any ganking what so ever, you should be staying in your lane, keeping pressure and pushing down the towers.
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