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Big Bad Bug

March 8, 2012 by Viking ZX
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Dacle | May 10, 2013 6:54am
Thanks for the guide! I've been looking for a smart way to neglect some of Brood's less useful abilities in order to max that Spawn Spiderlings earlier. Though a year old, and though the numbers have since shifted slightly, the strategy set forth in this guide can be used well to help Broodmother players.
VENOREX | January 10, 2013 4:28am
i love this guide and it helped me a lot thnx
BloodSnake (1) | December 21, 2012 7:15am
can someone make a decent,good item list wich i have to buy?
jaslam (21) | November 13, 2012 8:15am
you never want to go into a late game with brood - her stat gain is aweful, and her skills drop off later on. Push is your power, it is that simple. necronomincon is a great item, which you can stack with your orb and spiderlings, allow a huge amount of damage to one hero. Tranq boots are ok, but you need to level fast, drop your web all over the lane, and the neutral camps, your web doesn't block camps, so you can stack and keep on eye on who is where.

Soul Ring is core, Bkb is core. boots, source of damage all that good stuff is up to you. you don't need an SNY becuase you have one built in, and your MS comes from the web anyway.
I can see why you would want to build this way - but there are better ways of building brood, and importantly proven ways.

if you want to have a bit of fun with brood, and have more presence in a clash - i get a dagon :) hilarious in clashes with 2 nukes, and slow haha (the supports are dead before they've had a chance to do anything!!
dark_fire | November 13, 2012 7:20am
Viking ZX wrote:

From this I can tell either you don't know Brood as well as you think, or the game is just glitching it, because BOTH the Broods passive and the Mjolnir work at the same time. Try it.

from what i understand, mjolnir only procs 20% of time (or something). so all the other brood hits would be her orb slow. the times mjolnir procs, the lighting would take over. so its pretty decent.

now u gotta consider this these items only really work against 1 hero ideally. the lightings only stack up to make a decent nuke so its not godlike. when the whole team is attacking u, well this item build doesn't help much. so get a bkb, or heart or butterfly... something that gives some kind of survivability.
dark_fire | November 4, 2012 3:57am
Ha Ha Ha...

This guild lists all the items you shouldn't get on brood. lol.

Basher is very bad on him. I guess you're getting hyperstone so the stun will proc enough times. But don't make a Mjollnir with it. Intead make a AC with it. You'll get more pushing power from that cuz towers suffer -5 armor.

Please don't max out spawn spiderlings at level 7. You get only 3 spiderlings at level 3 spawn as well. Upto level 5 your skill build is good. At level 6 get your ult and lvl 7 start getting bite. There are a few reasons for getting lvl 6 ult:

1. You can ult and heal up in neutral camps if you were on red hp before. Basically, you'll never have to go back to the fountain again for hp. Hence, don't get tranquil boots. Might have to go back for mana, thus get Soul Ring to solve that problem.

2. You can use it to get bonus damage on towers or enemy heroes who decided to lane against you.

So, this means you should get soul ring to solve all mana problems. And Strength power treads for extra hp so soul ring sacrifice doesn't affect you too much. It also gives much needed attack speed.

Ring of Aquila is good in your build. I personally don't like getting vlad's on him. He definitely doesn't need it. Vlad's doesn't give any hp. It only gives you lifesteal which you already have from the ult. If others want it for pushing or farming purposes, there are better options.

For pushing, getting Ac, manta, or any sort of damage attack speed is already enough. The spiderlings can tank the tower while you rip it apart.

For farming, again you don't need vlad's. You can even take on the ancients if you have enough spiderlings. This vlad's comment not intented for the author of guild but others who comment.

Also, don't get Sange and Yasha. Instead get Manta. If enemy dusts you, you'll have a escape mech by confusing them with illusions. Lastly, Bkb is pretty much core on him. Nukes destroy him and stops him from doing what he needs to do in team fights. Bkb lets him go like a boss and take down the annoying supports first. When the bkb charge runs out, you can go manta and take out the others.

Get Ac if they have armor reducers. Get manta if they lack Aoe spells or have projectile spells which can be dodged. Get orchid if they have escape mech like blink or wind walk or ball lighting. Get bkb if they have disables. Get butterfly if they heavily depend on physical dps. Halberd if you're up against a ursa or lycan or something.

Sorry for the lecture. (lol)
HamSandwich (34) | March 15, 2012 9:00am
The don't work at the same time. Mjollnir has a 20% chance to override Incapacitating Bite. This means that on 80% of attacks, you'll get slow/miss orb and 20% of attacks you'll get lightning.

All of this is irrelevant though, because this guide is ****ty. You say that Broodmother can be turned into a tank, yet the only item you suggest that gives early strength is Skull Basher and Wraith Band. This gives Broodmother a whopping 171 hp. Then, you go on to suggest Tranquil Boots, an item that is totally contrary to Broodmother's innate strengths. Sitting in a level 4 web already gives +8hp regen per second, so there's no need for extra heal, and if you think that the increased movespeed over other boots is useful, you need to reread Broodmother's Spin Web skill. This hp regen of web is actually the reason why Broodmother will build a soul ring. Sacrifice is mitigated by the hp regen of the web and it lets Broodmother use Spawn Spiderlings without having to worry about mana management.

Furthermore, Insatiable Hunger is an exceptionally strong skill for taking towers. Even if you can't catch enemies at level 6, it's still important to take a level of ultimate because it's exceptionally powerful during early fights and exceptionally powerful for pushing down towers.

Lastly, your items suck. Mjollnir doesn't give enough utility to warrant a purchase, especially because Broodmother doesn't really need any extra pushing power. If you need attack speed, get Treads and either Assault Cuirass or Orchid Malevolance. For survival, buy BKB and think about evasion or AC. MKB also shouldn't be underestimated because on of the strongest things to do against a broodmother is to TP away.
Viking ZX | March 14, 2012 9:18pm
Atlas wrote:

From this, then, I can confirm you do not know Brood well. Her passive is the orb.

Also, BKB is actually cheap, and if you are playing against any decent kind of team you will need BKB.

From this I can tell either you don't know Brood as well as you think, or the game is just glitching it, because BOTH the Broods passive and the Mjolnir work at the same time. Try it.
Atlas (117) | March 14, 2012 6:29pm
Viking ZX wrote:

Mjolnir and the Skull Basher stack. They don't cancel each other out. Feel free to try the BKB instead, but not every build in DotA 2 needs it. The thing costs a fortune anyways.

From this, then, I can confirm you do not know Brood well. Her passive is the orb.

Also, BKB is actually cheap, and if you are playing against any decent kind of team you will need BKB.
Viking ZX | March 14, 2012 6:19pm
Mjolnir and the Skull Basher stack. They don't cancel each other out. Feel free to try the BKB instead, but not every build in DotA 2 needs it. The thing costs a fortune anyways.
Atlas (117) | March 9, 2012 5:18am
No mention of BKB?

Edit: also no vlads, and you added mjolnir or even though you have an orb already. Can't see this guide actually working, sorry.
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