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Beware the Worldsmith - A Guide to Elder Titan

November 29, 2015 by TEL9021
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TEL9021 (5) | November 29, 2015 5:19am
Sunabonzu wrote:

Advance Tips on Elder Titan:

Any items that evolve movement speed greatly benefit not only to Elder Titan itself, but also to Astral Spirit which the Spirit's movespeed is based of the owner itself; Improves Spirit's range coverage/scout/control distance over a short amount of time.

Wow, after so many games I never noticed this. So you get even more synergy with Eul's Scepter. Definitely adding this to the guide.

Sunabonzu wrote:

Considering the cast time/latency in between skills (0.5 - 1s), at least lvl 3 Echo Stomp is required to pull off the combo to land Earth Splitter; unless you shift-queueing the combo skills.

Although Earth Splitter pierces Spell immunity, only the physical damage part will be dealt; the rest of the effects like slows and disarm exclusive effects from Aghanim's Scepter will be negated, upon applying/under the Spell immunity.

Yes, it's technically possible to dodge the level 2 Sleep if you're fast enough, but that's only a problem if you're up against Blink Daggers or heroes like Tusk, Puck, or Lifestealer that can dodge it. I've never seen anyone just walk away from a level 2 Stomp Earth Splitter combo, so that's the sweet spot for me, in most games.

What you said about Earth Splitter's Spell immunity elements is true, which is why Aghanim's Scepter isn't core, but situational, as is skilling your ult past level 1.
Sunabonzu | November 27, 2015 7:53pm
Advance Tips on Elder Titan:

Any items that evolve movement speed greatly benefit not only to Elder Titan itself, but also to Astral Spirit which the Spirit's movespeed is based of the owner itself; Improves Spirit's range coverage/scout/control distance over a short amount of time.

Considering the cast time/latency in between skills (0.5 - 1s), at least lvl 3 Echo Stomp is required to pull off the combo to land Earth Splitter; unless you shift-queueing the combo skills.

Although Earth Splitter pierces Spell immunity, only the physical damage part will be dealt; the rest of the effects like slows and disarm exclusive effects from Aghanim's Scepter will be negated, upon applying/under the Spell immunity.

Elder Titan's true strength lies on Aura-support and Counter-initiation. Basically a backend Artillery Support to soften (kill if lucky enough) enemy forces.

The weakness as a support is the downtime of the skill, splitting/flak ganking (can only cover one area at a time) and unable to fend off any close encounters; just like any Artillery groups.
Sunabonzu | November 27, 2015 6:59pm
YellulzQuiet wrote:

Can you explain why Semi carry Elder is outdated, i feel like when i play elder titan support i am the poor man Earthshaker, he gives moar crowd control, more realiable stuns, more damage, but as a carry you can become a monster with natural order, the only itens i build him are Black King Bar, Solar Crest and Assault Cuirass and then i can destroy everyone in a teamfight

The only thing for Semi-carry Elder is lack of reliable disables, power-ups(Spirit buffs last for 8 secs, required dmg accumulation to be decent) and defensive abilities. Melee Carry tend to be easier to kite then ranged carry; once your buff is gone, is just a cannon fodder in the field. It's large size also a factor to get noticed and easier target for enemy.
YellulzQuiet (8) | November 25, 2015 7:43pm
Can you explain why Semi carry Elder is outdated, i feel like when i play elder titan support i am the poor man Earthshaker, he gives moar crowd control, more realiable stuns, more damage, but as a carry you can become a monster with natural order, the only itens i build him are Black King Bar, Solar Crest and Assault Cuirass and then i can destroy everyone in a teamfight
TEL9021 (5) | November 25, 2015 5:33pm
Blubbles wrote:

I reealy hate it when people dont get at least one point of N.O early on, the reduction is too good. Echo Stomp I believe deals more damage will one level of N.O than with another level of echo stomp.

Yup, it's true since 6.82.
Blubbles (13) | April 26, 2015 5:58pm
I reealy hate it when people dont get at least one point of N.O early on, the reduction is too good. Echo Stomp I believe deals more damage will one level of N.O than with another level of echo stomp.
dharma iniciative | August 21, 2014 5:27am
Hey Great job man.This guide its very useful for new titan s users.I recommend you a vanguard in the semi-carry build.Just a recomendationšŸ˜ƒ
dharma iniciative | August 21, 2014 5:26am
Hey Great job man.This guide its very useful for new titan s users.I recommend you a vanguard in the semi-carry build.Just a recomendationšŸ˜ƒ
TEL9021 (5) | December 14, 2013 8:59am
Jansports wrote:

What are your thoughts on AC Linkens?

It's a really viable build. Regarding how you should build it, I'd say get Hyperstone and Perseverance first, so you can supercharge your farm while still being able to spam abilities, then finish AC and Linken's piece by piece according to how the game goes: When on offense, finish AC first, and when on defense, finish Linken's.
Jansports | December 12, 2013 9:18pm
I've been turning to Titan more and more when it falls on me to offlane, I find the power he has to soak exp and get respectable cash in the solo hard lane is (almost) unrivaled.

I really like / support your take on AC, the aura plus passive really boosts a team damage potential against an enemy Mek. The real issue is the lack of Mana and Stats building AC leads to. Since while offlane I don't often need to build Mek myself, and only sometimes Urn or Drums, I've been Turning to Linken's more as the next piece when I find an early AC is the right start. It shores up stats and notably Mana issues much better than BKB and I find the defensive side of it is usually sufficient to get off a clean initiation, as not too many teams will have more than one hard disable to throw at you from the range you posses.

What are your thoughts on AC Linkens? I feel in my gut that it's solid because it's been working, but you can't always use success to gauge viability(As if I stack I could probably rush Radiance on Titan and win on the backs of my mate) So I'm not sure I should keep the build in my pocket, or if I should just let it happen when it feels right.
onewhohides | December 6, 2013 11:38am
Hey great job on the guide. I think you explained everything nicely. I've played elder a lot as a support, but I'm excited to try him out as a semi carry!

Also, thanks for linking those videos. They were super helpful.
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