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5 Votes

Better than the Arsenal Magus!-A guide to Rubick [6.84]

August 16, 2015 by SatomiCappucino
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SatomiCappucino (12) | July 15, 2015 12:23pm
soreslands wrote:

early on in the guide you mention trapping opponents on ledges with telekinesis sub ability i was wondering how you do this as i can not seem to find this subability

The subability is where Telekinesis is. I mean, when you cast Telekinesis, the spell is changed to Telekinesis Land until the duration of the spell finishes.
soreslands | July 14, 2015 7:14pm
early on in the guide you mention trapping opponents on ledges with telekinesis sub ability i was wondering how you do this as i can not seem to find this subability
Aruestarula | May 7, 2015 6:13am
Very good guide and i will use this guide whenever i playing rubick
i often make rubick full of disable ability (Eul,vyse,shiva)
any way +1 for you
Chaotic Penguin | April 30, 2015 2:56am
If the enemy has a Alchemist, steal is ult. Tank up, steal more spells, win. Plus, mana regen :)
ChiChi (47) | March 24, 2015 5:31pm
Nice and concise. +1
SatomiCappucino (12) | January 14, 2015 3:30am
BKvoiceover wrote:

A good guide all in all, however I wouldn't put an Aghanim's Scepter on him as a core. It is quite a situational pickup even in the best of situations. I think you'd be better off buying some arcane's and a blink dagger rather than picking up an item that is really only useful sometimes. Also why include Phase Boots on Rubick's item build when you specifically said in the items section that they are the worst boots on Rubick?

However it is very well formatted with some nice discussions about friends and foes.

Hope to see you around,


I mainly take Aghanim's Scepter because of the fact that you won't worry about not steling something because of the cooldown reduction. The stats are good too. It is up to you which item you are getting next. I am almost always playing with this cores and it is pretty okay. For the Phase Boots I will remove them from the build. Anyway thanks for your feedback.
wangyuphing (9) | January 14, 2015 2:38am
arc force eul / arc eul mek is already enough you are going for #4 so those luxury items are far from affordable (i wouldnt say impossible).
BKvoiceover (12) | January 13, 2015 12:12pm
A good guide all in all, however I wouldn't put an Aghanim's Scepter on him as a core. It is quite a situational pickup even in the best of situations. I think you'd be better off buying some arcane's and a blink dagger rather than picking up an item that is really only useful sometimes. Also why include Phase Boots on Rubick's item build when you specifically said in the items section that they are the worst boots on Rubick?

However it is very well formatted with some nice discussions about friends and foes.

Hope to see you around,

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