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49 Votes

Better Living Through Alchemy!

October 30, 2012 by Atlas
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Dr._.zlO | September 29, 2013 8:47am
Replace Faceless Void with Brewmaster. Faceless Void Backtrack ability ignores items or skills that cause True-Strike
MOJO | March 2, 2013 12:54pm
Dark Seer or Enigma would be much more suited for the mid lane

In my example, nothing is best suited for hard-lane solo than Dark-seer not matter what circumstances. Enigma definitely is better at mid, Alche + CM + ES definitely are greater doing safe tri-lane but then it depends on Enigma play-style. In public 90% of the time, all enigma would insist on jungling.
I don't see why doing mid = less gold if you can last hit the creeps(Acid Spray is just everything for last hit. Soul Ring can easily make this possible or even bottle, cheap substitute). You even have ulti for both health + mana regen because you will hit 6 fast. Obviously you don't have to gank, just farm mid like Outworld Destroyer. Maiden can roam, 70% of public who choose to get CM knows their job. Public ES, sometimes.

as soon as you hit Ice Wall
xCO2 (72) | March 1, 2013 7:56pm
MOJO wrote:

It's true, but just in case the game doesn't have level reliant hero. For example, your team are composed of CM, ES, Enigma(usually jungling), Dark Seer(who are better at solo hard lane). You see what I mean, in this case Alchemist is best suited for mid, and he's good at it not just viable. It's public we're taking about here. Also if Alchemist hits level 6 fast, it allows for fast regen, pretty much easy farming.

Ineeded he does needs gold, Acid Spray makes last hits the most easiest thing in the universe for Alch. Creep armor - 2,3,4,5 = You can probably kill the creep at 25-40% health with Culling Blade, no chance to deny from the enemy. Your goal is to farm gold and it doesn't really matter how the enemy does if you're mid lane since usually mid laner will be the ganker. If the enemy is melee then it's pretty much easy to force them away while you're farming. Also I did mention, you can stack a small creep camp every minute and still retain the same pace on creep kills, timing is just about perfect, it takes practice(On Radient side only though, I've never try Dire side yet).

I never have problems with Invoker, but yes TA and Batrider poses a great deal of problem, in that case don't mid. QoP, unless she goes for shadow strike build, Alch can hold his ground pretty effectively. Again, the faster you hits level 6, the easier you can farm mid lane.

Remember all of my arguments emphasize on how to mid with Alch and doesn't say he must do mid-lane, I said that it's a fine choice and should be viable. He's definitely better with a babysitter on a safe lane.

I think all of your arguments a pretty weak. Especially your examples, Dark Seer or Enigma would be much more suited for the mid lane. Alchemist is literally the most gold reliant carry, and if you were mid Alchemist you wouldn't be and shouldn't be ganking.

In regards to not having a problem with Invoker, you clearly have not played a melee hero against even a decently skilled Invoker, as soon as you hit Ice Wall and/or Cold Snap you're dead. I understand that you're saying that he can go to mid and not saying he has to, but its extremely ineffective and situational.
MOJO | March 1, 2013 7:35pm
Why would an Alch get mid lane over someone that is level reliant?

It's true, but just in case the game doesn't have level reliant hero. For example, your team are composed of CM, ES, Enigma(usually jungling), Dark Seer(who are better at solo hard lane). You see what I mean, in this case Alchemist is best suited for mid, and he's good at it not just viable. It's public we're taking about here. Also if Alchemist hits level 6 fast, it allows for fast regen, pretty much easy farming.

Alch is needs gold more than anything. Also, even with Acid Spray, he's hardly a good laner.

Ineeded he does needs gold, Acid Spray makes last hits the most easiest thing in the universe for Alch. Creep armor - 2,3,4,5 = You can probably kill the creep at 25-40% health with Culling Blade, no chance to deny from the enemy. Your goal is to farm gold and it doesn't really matter how the enemy does if you're mid lane since usually mid laner will be the ganker. If the enemy is melee then it's pretty much easy to force them away while you're farming. Also I did mention, you can stack a small creep camp every minute and still retain the same pace on creep kills, timing is just about perfect, it takes practice(On Radient side only though, I've never try Dire side yet).

QoP, Invoker, TA, Batrider

I never have problems with Invoker, but yes TA and Batrider poses a great deal of problem, in that case don't mid. QoP, unless she goes for shadow strike build, Alch can hold his ground pretty effectively. Again, the faster you hits level 6, the easier you can farm mid lane.

Remember all of my arguments emphasize on how to mid with Alch and doesn't say he must do mid-lane, I said that it's a fine choice and should be viable. He's definitely better with a babysitter on a safe lane.
Atlas (117) | February 28, 2013 5:27pm
MOJO wrote:


It's that he doesn't need levels that much. Why would an Alch get mid lane over someone that is level reliant? Alch is needs gold more than anything. Also, even with Acid Spray, he's hardly a good laner. It doesn't zone anyone out of anything unless they literally just stand in it. It's a big warning flag, and all you have to do is time when you're going to last hit, which players do against heroes that have a lot of harass/lane control anyway.

On top of that, he STILL gets outlaned by a multitude of heroes that are commonly mid. QoP, Invoker, TA, Batrider, etc. etc.
MOJO | February 28, 2013 5:02pm
Everything is great an persuasive except for that I don't see why Alchemist can't solo mid. He can prioritize Acid Spray & Grab a Soul ring and you can farm the hell of out mid Lane. Mid lane doesn't reserved only for ganker, a Farmer like Alchemist & Kunkka etc works great. Also, he can stack up small creep camp and use Acid Spray later for a quick level & money while farming mid lane. Acid Spray is such a strong spell that any squishy heroes will take dmg really fast from just standing in there.
xxblackxxrosexx | December 5, 2012 1:59am
Great guide! +1
I feel Mjolnir can be considered because it will proc often when rge is on also its great for pushing. Almost as good as Radiance.
Discordia#306820 | November 30, 2012 9:37pm
Good guide overall,but Monkey King Bar does not work on Faceless Void's backtrack,just a quick note.
Atlas (117) | October 30, 2012 7:19pm
Phyxius wrote:

Gotta say i just tried this build after trying a few others and man it works so well! cheers

Glad that it works for you!
Phyxius | October 30, 2012 7:00pm
Gotta say i just tried this build after trying a few others and man it works so well! cheers
Mirror (22) | October 29, 2012 10:59am
Ever since his new buffs I have tried out a jungling alchemist. Maxing greed and acid first and farming for 10-15 min and coming out of the jungle at level 10 with 1700 health if I have armlet and ulti on. Using pulls and stacks for acid I can usually get to lvl 6 and then the rest is easy. his new buffs on goblin greed just give him so much fee gold now.
DOAmaster | October 1, 2012 7:56pm
Great work, helped a lot.
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