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3 Votes

Bestjam's Bristletank

January 9, 2016 by Bestjam
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VenturG | May 28, 2016 4:12am
AdyTh3BOSS | February 27, 2016 3:54am
Bestjam wrote:

Please any feedback appreciated!

You should add, heavens Halbred in your guide. you can stop anyone from attacking for at least 4 seconds and it gives evasion which will make you stay in a fight a lot longer and also damage. I always go, Power Tread, Vanguard, Sange, Octarine core, Crimson, Halbred, Aghs then Heart if the game goes on really late. If they have a zeus, I always get a pipe of insight
AdyTh3BOSS | February 27, 2016 3:50am
MeatWaad wrote:

You may add a game sequence, early-mid-late, giving details of the gameplay, items, strategies, what to do what NOT to do.

Have you considered Blink Dagger? even when you have Viscous Nasal Goo blink is a very useful tool to chase enemies or start a teamfight .

Good guide overall,

No need for a blink, if you spam your abilities well your ult will give you enough speed to chase down any enemy
VWXZ | January 22, 2016 8:16am
I feel that your build and guide kind of disagree about items - vanguard... Otherwise +1
SnakeWing | August 14, 2014 5:45pm
Pretty good (although short) guide. I like the ring of basi pick up never tried that before might try it out. Just a couple suggestions you might want to think about.

1) linkens sphere is not a great item for bristle pipe and BKB are spot on, but linkens really shouldn't even be thought about. Also you might want to differentiate that BKB is best for if your getting singled out by spells in fights and pipe is best if your team is a getting a AOE smackdown and no one has bkbs.

2) For stopping physical damage a really great item to get is Heavens Haliberd (ecspecially if their is one carry that is a big problem). It gives you evasion and tankyness to help survive the attacks and has a fantastic active to stop the attacks altogether and possibly save a teammate.

3) I agree Medallion of courage is a bad pick up but you might also want to add the fact that is useless for early roshs (which it is commonly bought for) because nasal goo has the same effect.

4) Shadow blade is not a good item for bristle unless your in low skill pubs were no one buys detection and your reason is pretty invalid too. Bristle is fast with warpath already and shouldn't just run away from fights.

5) Abyssal and radiance are nice items if you need to carry but generally speaking its better to pick up items like shivas and heart. Let a stronger carry focus on raw right click damage.

6) imho pipe>mech. mech is cheaper and has great stats but the mana drain is punishing so is almost always best on an int support. I also think shivas is better than mech since it enchances your powerful teamfight and as you said gives much needed mana and armour.
SnakeWing | August 14, 2014 5:28pm

You should add a gameplay section to the guide. Items and skill builds are OK but to make a good guide, you need to add a section on how to play that hero

... And also, blade mail] on rejected? You're a tank, you NEED [[BLADE MAIL!

Blademail is pretty useless on Bristle
MeatWaad (1) | August 7, 2014 7:15am
You may add a game sequence, early-mid-late, giving details of the gameplay, items, strategies, what to do what NOT to do.

Have you considered Blink Dagger? even when you have Viscous Nasal Goo blink is a very useful tool to chase enemies or start a teamfight .

Good guide overall,
Bestjam | August 7, 2014 4:32am

You should add a gameplay section to the guide. Items and skill builds are OK but to make a good guide, you need to add a section on how to play that hero

... And also, blade mail] on rejected? You're a tank, you NEED [[BLADE MAIL!

Thanks I will add a gameplay section next.

Blademail is extremely ineffective on Bristleback, as his passive skills reduce the damage taken significantly. Therefore if he had Blademail active it would only damage them a fraction of what they dealt in the first place.
Kyle The Great (2) | August 7, 2014 3:55am
You should add a gameplay section to the guide. Items and skill builds are OK but to make a good guide, you need to add a section on how to play that hero

... And also, blade mail] on rejected? You're a tank, you NEED [[BLADE MAIL!
Bestjam | August 7, 2014 3:36am
Please any feedback appreciated!
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