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9 Votes

Beginner's guide to Kardel Sharpeye

January 25, 2013 by True Venom
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True Venom | February 4, 2013 1:19am
I made some changes to my guide if you can see it.Tell me if theres more problems with my guide.
xCO2 (72) | January 28, 2013 6:51am
SuperNova wrote:

Getting Divine Rapier is nigh-almost a ******ed thing to unless you feel like trolling.1 just ONE death and the enemy carry will take your expensive as hell rapier and **** OVER your entire team.

I agree, remove the Rapier, Sniper is extremely easy to pick off.
SuperNova (16) | January 28, 2013 6:32am
Getting Divine Rapier is nigh-almost a ******ed thing to unless you feel like trolling.1 just ONE death and the enemy carry will take your expensive as hell rapier and **** OVER your entire team.
NumbSchiller | January 28, 2013 6:07am
I try to explain it again
To be a real hardcarry, Sniper needs attackspeed/agility. The combination of attackspeed, a little +dmg and crit is way more effective than only mass +dmg. Moreover it is less risky. This is why you dont rush for a Rapier.
If you buy a Rapier you are usually way ahead and try to troll the enemey or you are way behind and try a fancy comeback by getting a Rapier. Rapier is not an everygame item.
True Venom | January 28, 2013 4:00am
fat_sludge wrote:

Firs skadi and diffusal does stack. Secondly, if snipe.r is squishy why got a divine rapier since he cab die easily

so he can do more dmage to kill to survive?
Synergy (2) | January 28, 2013 12:50am
I think NumbSchiller summed up everything bad about this guide. Shrapnel should be taken early and maxed over headshot, combined with take aim it makes pushing ridiculously easier. You also call him a hard carry yet say he should gank at level 11 onwards (which makes little sense)
You don't even mention items like Mjollnir, Manta or Daedalus which are fantastic DPS items, yet mention caster items like Bloodstone and Eul. Sniper has high enough Intelligence gain to supplement his skills, he doesn't need much mana regen. Abyssal (or basher for that matter) is only 10% bash chance with a short range stun. I would not pay 6k gold when I could pick up something more efficient for a cheaper price. Also, there is no scepter upgrade, Divine is a last resort and orbs like Lifesteal and feedback don't stack.
I have yet to figure out why Juggernaut is so special. If your reason is you can finish off an omnislashed target, how is it any different from other nukes like Dragon Slave? The range? If you're helping him gank you wouldn't be that far.
One more note, Assassinate grants true sight, Meld (yes, that's what it's called) wont dodge it.
fat_sludge (1) | January 28, 2013 12:38am
Doesn't *
fat_sludge (1) | January 28, 2013 12:33am
Firs skadi and diffusal does stack. Secondly, if snipe.r is squishy why got a divine rapier since he cab die easily
NumbSchiller | January 27, 2013 6:13am
True Venom wrote:

actually,aghanim's scepter does do something to gives it higher damage.anyway,i edited my guide a bit so u can see the differences and tell me whats wrong with my guide.maybe i can fix it up a bit if i agree.

No it doesnt. It only give stats to sniper nothing else. Therefore it is a totally useless item on Sniper.
True Venom | January 27, 2013 5:01am
Chicken here wrote:

Sorry to dissapoint,but I think the item build AND Skill build does not scale well together.
  1. Blade mail/Asualt cuirass-VERY HORRIBLE,you are NEVER a tank,none of your abilities mades you a tank and Sniper is considered VERY SQUISHY.Making him easy to kill before you could even soak the damage or reflect a lot.
  2. Agahnim Scepter?-Wow,even an ulitmate orb+Point booster help fix this situation[Total:3300 gold] then a Agahnim[Total:4200 gold].And note,it does not upgrade assasinate
  3. Euls/Bloodstone-Are you kidding me?You are not an INTEL Hero,none of this helps a lot,you assasinate gets weaker and weaker into later stages of the games and Sniper already have a decent intel gain[+2.6 per level] unlike other Agility heroes.Euls is not really great for escaping because it can either make you fly there while enemies wait to finish you off quickly.
  4. Diffisul Blade-That are better orbs that Sniper could get.Rather than burning 20/36 mana as damage,you can either reduce armor by 6 with Desolater or get LIFESTEAL[The thing that could help sniper survive thanks to his damage output].
  5. Sharpnel is one of the most useful skill for sniper during early to mid game.In pub games a lot never level sharpnel.But in competitive games,sharpnel can be used to push down towers,teamfights and also slow enemies down.
I don't really think this guide is even MEANT for Beginners,it is more of your playstyle on Sniper.

actually,aghanim's scepter does do something to gives it higher damage.anyway,i edited my guide a bit so u can see the differences and tell me whats wrong with my guide.maybe i can fix it up a bit if i agree.
Xenergy | January 27, 2013 4:43am
NumbSchiller wrote:

Sure the enemy can easily go out of the shrapnel, but this gives you the time to catch up and give them 1 or 2 more shots. 1 or 2 Shots from someone with snipers dps can make the difference between life and death.

while the enemy tries to get out of it he can also move to you while doing so.and that will only give you about one shot.Which does about only 70 damage.Since the enemy has armour.
NumbSchiller | January 27, 2013 4:01am
True Venom wrote:

I know shrapnel,slows and all,but the enemy can easily go out of the shrapnel.So not many snipers upgrade shrapnel.

Sure the enemy can easily go out of the shrapnel, but this gives you the time to catch up and give them 1 or 2 more shots. 1 or 2 Shots from someone with snipers dps can make the difference between life and death.
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