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8 Votes

Beginner Guide in How to Dominate Mid, Get Bloodstone and Knock Down Their Tower within 15-20 mins By Just Chilling

August 5, 2012 by Serpico
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Ruffian (1) | August 10, 2013 7:44pm
@ resinHITS - I 100% definitely feel where you're coming from, and I would probably never not buy courier and maybe some wards at the very least, but I mean when you're pubbing **** happens, I just had a game where I was forced to go mid with a seer because the person who I had assumed would take it wanted the offlane and I failed, I'm sure partly because I'm not so great, (though I'm certainly experienced enough to win the majority of my jungle/offlane/lane seer games) basically because I was unsure whether or not to just go with a standard offlane build or switch it up. I guess my point is, it's nice to have a guide for it, however unorthodox, just in case the situation presents itself. Again, I'm not saying this guide is anywhere perfect, and I myself would never advocate a completely naked start, but it's good to have an idea of where to go, item-wise with a mid seer.
Tenshin78 (1) | December 3, 2012 9:00am
Dark Seer not a support, not all int are supports, he is semi item dependent, more a nuker/team fighter
resinHITS | August 14, 2012 5:09am
This guide...

I can see where you're coming from but there are so many flaws here.

1.) you are a support. Its your job to get courier, period.

2.) you are a support, with a speed boost ability. It's your job to get wards, which are essential if youre in a game against any mediocre level team. Your speed boost makes you the ultimate warder. Don't buy courier and wards? You fail as a support, and have weakened your whole team.

3.) you are a support. If you take mid, you handicap your carry. Mid and all it's goodies are not meant for you.

4.) you are a support. It's more important for you to give the second carry an advantage to put him on par with the mid carry than it is for you to jack your **** over all your gold.

5.) you are a support. Any team not in the low priority piss pool knows to target you especially if you're alone. This solo mid idea will only work if the other team stupidly ignores you, an easy gank without any defensive items for the first 15 minutes of the game, soloing mid without even a bottle to control runes.

6.). You are a support. Where the hell are your portal scrolls to help your team in ESP those early fights and ganks?

7.). You are a support. By doing that job, you will get plenty of assists on kills to get gold, while also allowing your carry mate to get gold and levels.

Bottom line, you are a support. Teamwork is vital, and by going this route you **** on the expected tasks for the support, you screw your team mates out of gold, you have no way to assure you're there to help win the all important team fights, and any team with half a brain is going to turn you into carry kibble.

Not to mention you're cheesing your way to victory relying on the other teams stupidity instead of your own skill. Chill and ion spam from afar? YAWN. What's the point of even playing this game at that point? You're not using the character to its full potential at all.
Ravenpt (1) | August 7, 2012 4:30am
I love playing Dark Seer. Was going for a normal game when suddenly everyone in my team (including mid heroes) decide to go lane. So I thought why the heck not, I will try this.
Most perfect game ever, works if you know your DS
Starbucks 64 (3) | August 6, 2012 8:24pm
I'm not even going to go into the flaws of this guide. All I will say is no what you are talking about before you make a guide.
ERMAC__#172623 (7) | August 5, 2012 11:07am
I rikah teh pwn. I rike it a-rot.
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