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hey jrod! sorry for the late reply :c. I'm happy that you liked the guide :3
Yes; it is almost entirely dependent on the hero you are with.
If you are with a hero that needs to deal damage via physical hits, you should max Overcharge so that they get the bonus attack-speed to do their job faster and the damage reduction thingy so that they can tank more and hit for longer durations without the risk of dying.
If you are with a hero that relies solely on their magical prowess to deal damage (like Tiny), you are better off maxing Spirits (calculation for full damage is in the guide under the friends and foes section).
In my personal opinion, maxing Spirits is superior to maxing Overcharge simply because of the insane amount of utility the skill provides.
It can scout jungle, scout for invisible heroes, create a buffer zone for the carry to farm, deter enemy gankers and deal amazing amounts of damage.It's just too versatile to not be maxed.
The only counter-argument I can put forward is that most of the utility from the skill is obtained on level 1,but then the cooldown reduction is amazing too.... oh well i'm rambling now :P
Even in the event that you have to max Overcharge, i would recommend putting 2 points in Spirits so that you can permanently have them up. (also deals 100 more damage)
Thanks for the guide, trying to learn IO and I found this guide very useful :)
Quick question (or maybe a long one idk)... When should you max overcharge/spirits first? Is it dependant on the hero you're with? Against? Is one more general and one more situational? Any insight would be appreciated.
Protip:if you want the radius to be fixed around a certain length, press the in and out buttons rapidly around the radius you want to keep it stable.
Since the in and out abilities are toggled you can just deactivate them.
For example: your radius is to small. Activate out until the radius is large enough. Press out again to deactivate the expansion. The spirits will keep circling at this radius until you use in or out again.
Its just a little easier and more efficent than the rapid switching and frees up your fingers to press other buttons like items.
I really like to do dual mids with io. I stack jungle camps and take rune control shutting down the enemy mid, later i farm the stacks with my buddy in the mid. Also i'm able to gank in the early laning stage and get kill on the sidelanes by just thetering to them and overcharging.
Great guide, upvoted. You may want to add the fact that a hero who has recently TP'd from fountain can refill your bottle if he/she picks the bottle up off the ground (idk if this works by just giving it to them) within a few seconds of being TP'd, and that the bottle has a free charge if you use it immediatley after you TP from fountain (it recharges for like a 2 second grace period). IO FTW
loved the guide but another counter to IO is if you are ganking jungle or end up away from your creepwave for one reason or another then witchdoctor can cast you and your tethered partner and he just walks away. bkb counters the cask but still worth mentioning
Witch Doctor is kind of a situational counter to every ganking combination and can easily be nullified by moving away,something that is easy with the bonus movement speed.
Also, i see a downvote.If you don't agree with something or dislike my guide please specify it in the comments i will be happy to comply.If you are just downvoting it because of jealousy/anything, i'll have you know that you are a bad person :c
loved the guide but another counter to IO is if you are ganking jungle or end up away from your creepwave for one reason or another then witchdoctor can cast you and your tethered partner and he just walks away. bkb counters the cask but still worth mentioning
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Yes; it is almost entirely dependent on the hero you are with.
If you are with a hero that needs to deal damage via physical hits, you should max
If you are with a hero that relies solely on their magical prowess to deal damage (like
In my personal opinion, maxing
It can scout jungle, scout for invisible heroes, create a buffer zone for the carry to farm, deter enemy gankers and deal amazing amounts of damage.It's just too versatile to not be maxed.
The only counter-argument I can put forward is that most of the utility from the skill is obtained on level 1,but then the cooldown reduction is amazing too.... oh well i'm rambling now :P
Even in the event that you have to max
Quick question (or maybe a long one idk)... When should you max overcharge/spirits first? Is it dependant on the hero you're with? Against? Is one more general and one more situational? Any insight would be appreciated.
Since the in and out abilities are toggled you can just deactivate them.
For example: your radius is to small. Activate out until the radius is large enough. Press out again to deactivate the expansion. The spirits will keep circling at this radius until you use in or out again.
Its just a little easier and more efficent than the rapid switching and frees up your fingers to press other buttons like items.
By the way, don't worry about the downvotings. Some people are just like this. Jealous or something. Just avoid them.
@ slave2dota2
it is actually a general thing and can be used by all heroes.
@ abbadon.
I have been experimenting with it's applications, good results so far, adding it right now :)
EDIT: abba, if you look carefully, you will see that i have soul ring from the beginning in the last items section :D
I know, but not in core :P
Its like mentioning Batman but instead recruiting Alfred.
it is actually a general thing and can be used by all heroes.
@ abbadon.
I have been experimenting with it's applications, good results so far, adding it right now :)
EDIT: abba, if you look carefully, you will see that i have soul ring from the beginning in the last items section :D
loved the guide but another counter to IO is if you are ganking jungle or end up away from your creepwave for one reason or another then witchdoctor can cast you and your tethered partner and he just walks away. bkb counters the cask but still worth mentioning
Also, i see a downvote.If you don't agree with something or dislike my guide please specify it in the comments i will be happy to comply.If you are just downvoting it because of jealousy/anything, i'll have you know that you are a bad person :c