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29 Votes

Beaver's Antimage

August 30, 2013 by Sneaky Beaver
Comments: 18    |    Views: 513419    |   

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Tigerre (4) | June 11, 2014 1:34am
You forgot THE BEST ****ING ITEM for AM.......................... BLINK DAGGER!!!!!!! **** YEAH *****ES!!!!!!! It's actually a legit pickup if you reckon you're going to need your Blink off cooldown at all times, you get this as your initiator :D AND IT GIVES YOU 2 ****ING BLINKS **** YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Diazepamll | December 18, 2013 10:12pm
will going to try play Anti Mage with this guide. nice guide, thnx.
TheUnnamedGamer | December 1, 2013 1:22pm
Great guide, I loved it!
PrisonerZeUber | June 20, 2013 2:43am
I'm really unsure about this build, Mana Break is definitely at it's strongest early/mid game, yet you max it at 23/24/25. I know what you mean about surviving early game conflicts with stats, but isn't blink exactly for that? Blink is too good to start maxing at level 9. If you really wanted to go defensive, why not just prioritize points into Mana Shield and Blink? I understand why an Anti Mage would want to go defensive, but this skill build doesn't really optimize going a defensive Anti Mage.
thippo (10) | April 7, 2013 9:29pm
It's less for the ultimate and more for the manta.

Yeah, seriously, max out Mana Break so you get the final point in it with your Manta Style. Then it's a good build, but until then I dislike it.
Omega the S.W.A.G | February 24, 2013 6:12am
I thought mana burn is a must max out cause it makes your ultimate much more effective.
Sp12 (25) | February 23, 2013 9:00pm
Wow this guide is perfect, or at least close enough. AM is one of top 5 my most played heroes (VH bracket) and this is how everyone plays him except basher->Abyssal is more common than butterfly after heart.

Only major issue is the skillbuild -- mana break is maxed to time with manta (~14, 15, 17 most games), spell shield to time with heart (20-22).

I also think you "could" offer an early-game build with items like drums/vlads/armlet/vit booster/plain yasha.
Sneaky Beaver (1) | December 31, 2012 8:57pm
I would like to say that this guide is still not yet comeplete, im just being very lazy and im a terrible writer/worder/author (<--example one) so progress is not coming fast even when i do get the energy to try. As for your post raymysoul, the reason you get a battlefury is beecause it increases your farm rate exponentially, if you can get a 15 minute battlefury, you can get a 19-25 minute manta style, and a 28-35 minute heart easily, provided you dont die and the other team has forced you back in your base just yet. This clearly puts him in #1 in terms of farming, and he really is able to get a full late game inventory in 40-45 minutes because of the sheer gpm he can achieve with a battlefury. and while early game anti-mage game are fun, its just simply not as good as having a full inventory that soon on a hard carry.
raymysoul07 | December 28, 2012 9:32am
Its a pretty cool guide. and ofcourse a very widespread build too!!! what i would like to point out is when the enemy team has hard carrys like Lycan, Lifestealer, etc.. this build wont do antimage any good.. Antimage would need a more "all rounder" build to save the day for his team..
That would be = Vanguard (HP+Endurance) ; Power Treads; Vladimir's Offering( Life steal ensures Antimage lasts long enough to land a devastating Ultimate) ; Skull Basher ( HP + Bash = more endurance + doesnt let your enemies escape) ; Manta Style ( The complete Domination with monstrous manaburn ) ; Butterfly/Daedalus/Monkey King Bar/Heart ( Whatever u wish because u have already won by now);

This build has done wonders for me.. It makes Antimage an all rounder Hero who simply cannot be stopped. Why i dont get Battlefury? Because it makes antimage too squishy. I get the farmn any way :D
Nubtrain (58) | November 25, 2012 2:05pm
Yea agree with what Ganker wrote, you really need to add more information, I'll give this another week or two before casting my vote
iN7.Ganker (17) | November 22, 2012 7:37am
I kinda like the style but I think there is much content missing, so I am going to hold my vote until you are really done with the guide which I think you are not at the moment.
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