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2 Votes

Beast OP Earth Spirit

January 7, 2014 by lemonhedo
Comments: 3    |    Views: 14848    |   

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KoDyAbAbA (65) | January 9, 2014 3:47am
honestly, i thing that Geomagnetic Grip is a very versatile spell and i always level it up second. the pull + stun + save is too imba IMO.
AND take into considerations what the guys above me said.
Wulfstan (77) | January 8, 2014 11:47am
This skill build is pretty poor.Maxing Geomagnetic Grip first ensures some pretty good ganks, buys extra time for your allies to react and focus the stunned target.

If anything, the Rolling Boulder should be maxed last.Because when Earth Spirit rolls into a teamfight, he stays there disrupting it, he is not supposed to run away from one.

I would also add Mekansm into the valid item pool for Earth Spirit.

Later edit: Concerning the Force Staff, that is not gotten for you, it is gotten for your teammates, like a slow Lion that needs that extra bit of "pushing" to get that Earth Spike off.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | January 7, 2014 12:58pm
Leaving Geomagnetic Grip last is really disadvantageous for your team as you need at least a second level (third level if you can't predict the enemy movement very well) of it to unlock your combos, especially the "Rock behind the enemy- Geomagnetic Grip- Rolling Boulder- Boulder Smash on the enemy back to your teammates" one. Rolling Boulder shouldn't be used that often as its mana cost is negligible with a 16 second cooldown but very noticeable when the cooldown is 4 seconds; the damage increase isn't that useful either as you should be relying on your teammates to kill most of the time. I'd rather leave Boulder Smash at level 1 (the silence still applies) if you really want to roam around inside your ball.

About the items, the Veil of Discord is good for your core but it's not worth buying one unless your team has a lot of magical damage: at least a Hero between Jakiro, Queen of Pain, Puck, Necrophos, Pugna and the likes have to be in your team. The Vanguard is also severely outclassed by the Mekansm (unless your teammates are already building one) or the Drum of Endurance; the latter also improves your mana pool and makes chasing easier. I don't hate the Vanguard like many others, but I think getting utility items is generally better on non-carries (while on the contrary, carries that usually rely on tower dives to get early kills like Doom, Chaos Knight and even Ursa really benefit from it). Another example might be the Force Staff: a cheap item that helps in positioning and can save your life many times while, at the same time, boosting your mana pool. In general, I think there are better core options than the one you list: say, Veil + Meka or Drums + Force Staff.

The late game items are fine but I wouldn't really buy a Desolator on him since he attacks so slowly and most of the time he should be running around kicking and pulling Heroes, not dealing physical damage. I really can't think of any other item to add or anything else to remove, well done. I also like how you emphasize roaming and, sometimes, warding.

And just wondering, is this guide for mid ES, support ES or both?
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