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12 Votes

Batride the Lightning.

October 5, 2013 by Numeta
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Numeta (27) | October 9, 2012 2:11pm
Added video!
Blitxxen (7) | August 20, 2012 7:26pm
Slithereen wrote:

nope nope nope nope nope.

People need to learn DotA isn't League of Legends. Not every hero can be a successful carry.

This... -1
Numeta (27) | August 13, 2012 3:50pm
Nah you don't even have to smoke, you just stack 5-8 debuffs then kite them through fire. Easy clears.
jaslam (21) | August 13, 2012 3:32am
based on this discussion - and the idea that mjo orb stacks with sticky napalm (which I believe should) - Shiva's Guard and dagon should stack as well. May also be worth getting a Veil of Discord and BKB with this build and really hurt people :) -
nice Numeta, I like this and I will try it. +1

BTW smoke of deceit doesn't work anymore so it will be difficult to stack camps and napalm firefly them down for junglers - the neuts creeps will just run all over place. best thing is to try and find a choke point, so you will only take the aggro of 1 creeps, and let sticky napalm and firefly do the rest. but this will need practice due to tree destruction!!
Peebze (2) | August 12, 2012 4:33am
xCO2 wrote:

This isn't the most appropriate place to debate this, start a general discussion if you'd like to be proven wrong. =D

Nah, I've just been trying to make sure, wasn't really trying to debate it xD.
xCO2 (72) | August 11, 2012 9:07pm
Peebze wrote:

There's two ways to do the jungle clear with him. One is easier and safer to do, the other requires stacking for a long period of time and killing them in one grouping usually leaving you at level 5 with 3/4 of your mana, which is perfect for a gank, the only thing he'd be missing then are boots. It all depends on your team composition in the end though.

As for the orb, I just wasn't 100% positive on its functions with the spell. In writing it sounds like it wouldn't work with him, but since they do it's a moot point. Makes me wonder if an auto attack focused build might work on him. Never tried it in any of my games, focusing on sticky napalm as usual followed by flamebreak, with one level in firefly for terrain mobility... hmmmmm....

And I know, I brought up the topic of my own Jungle Batrider build/experiment within my guide.

This isn't the most appropriate place to debate this, start a general discussion if you'd like to be proven wrong. =D
Numeta (27) | August 11, 2012 8:03pm
Jungle bat is just too subpar and randomly slow / fast. Although if you master his flamebreak I'm sure his ganks could be decent.
Peebze (2) | August 11, 2012 7:54pm
xCO2 wrote:
It is, its a proc chance orb...

What I was saying was that his jungle clear is too terrible and leaves you in a bad position, you'd have to back to base before any chance of ganking, and he'd be level deficient.

There's two ways to do the jungle clear with him. One is easier and safer to do, the other requires stacking for a long period of time and killing them in one grouping usually leaving you at level 5 with 3/4 of your mana, which is perfect for a gank, the only thing he'd be missing then are boots. It all depends on your team composition in the end though.

As for the orb, I just wasn't 100% positive on its functions with the spell. In writing it sounds like it wouldn't work with him, but since they do it's a moot point. Makes me wonder if an auto attack focused build might work on him. Never tried it in any of my games, focusing on sticky napalm as usual followed by flamebreak, with one level in firefly for terrain mobility... hmmmmm....

Numeta wrote:

This isn't a jungle build. This is a solo mid build lol

And I know, I brought up the topic of my own Jungle Batrider build/experiment within my guide.
Numeta (27) | August 11, 2012 5:56pm
This isn't a jungle build. This is a solo mid build lol
xCO2 (72) | August 11, 2012 5:11pm
Peebze wrote:

Yes, but its not an orb attack from his own hero's attacks and abilities, which is what throws me off.

And you'd be quite surprised. It takes time, practice, and a lot of hard work to master it, but his ganks can be terrifying. Especially with a haste rune. Batrider himself his a lane ganker as is, you should be roaming from time to time to gank the other lanes. Take that ganking ability, and put it in the jungle where it could come from anywhere at anytime, as well as have two lanes leveling as quickly as mid. Their are other safer, faster, easier junglers out there, true, but jungle batty is viable and it does benefit the team when played correctly.

It is, its a proc chance orb...

What I was saying was that his jungle clear is too terrible and leaves you in a bad position, you'd have to back to base before any chance of ganking, and he'd be level deficient.
Peebze (2) | August 11, 2012 4:38am
xCO2 wrote:

Its an orb dude, read what you said your self;
"attacks and abilities" - attack modifier

Jungle bat is the most terrible idea I'd ever heard, there is nothing to do right, your team will not benefit from this and no matter how good of a kiter you are this will leave you the most lack lust thing since carry-wisp, smh. Its not about "if" you could pull off a gank, its a question if you could even gank...

Yes, but its not an orb attack from his own hero's attacks and abilities, which is what throws me off.

And you'd be quite surprised. It takes time, practice, and a lot of hard work to master it, but his ganks can be terrifying. Especially with a haste rune. Batrider himself his a lane ganker as is, you should be roaming from time to time to gank the other lanes. Take that ganking ability, and put it in the jungle where it could come from anywhere at anytime, as well as have two lanes leveling as quickly as mid. Their are other safer, faster, easier junglers out there, true, but jungle batty is viable and it does benefit the team when played correctly.
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