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137 Votes

Basic BloodSeeker Guide

July 23, 2012 by PsychoDm
Comments: 86    |    Views: 838317    |   

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Drubo666 | August 3, 2014 7:55am
Can we use this guide inside dota 2 game???
i mean like the one we subscribe from steam community and use inside in the game
can we use it like that???
bob41k | February 19, 2014 5:16pm
I enjoy playing Bloodseeker a lot and I have to say that Force Staff is an awesome item for him, I usually try to get it as soon as possible. See, you use your Rupture on somebody, but he's smart enough to stay and even probably TP out. You just use Force Staff on him so he get hurt by movement from rapture and you cancel his TP. This is awesome. Also my best games with Bloodseeker were when I went mid to get fast 6th level and then went gank. It is very beneficial since you get level advantage and Bloodseeker is a very level-depending hero. The thing I really don't like about Bloodseeker - he's not a strong hero in a late game. So better try to end the game as soon as possible if you have an advantage.
F.E.A.R.0 (38) | January 20, 2014 2:23pm
You should've added Butterfly in late game items, Monkey King Bar and Heart of Tarrasque situational items. Helm of the Dominator can introduce interesting new utility if Bloodrage is used as a steroid. Later to upgrade it in to Satanic. Just because Blood Bath gives him Hp when he kills a creep or a hero that doesn't mean lifesteal can't be built on him. Example: Lifestealer. Guide good +1.

Kissing is like drinking salted water. You drink, and your thirst increases. ~Chinese Proverb
xCO2 (72) | November 15, 2013 2:03pm
Sphinkhy wrote:

Why would you build vladimirs on him? He already has life sustain with bloodbath!

In a duel what does Bloodbath do for you? Since Bloodseeker isn't the strongest duelist but is considered a ganker I would imagine it is to counteract and synergize with damage taken and provided by Bloodrage.
Sphinkhy (1) | November 15, 2013 1:52pm
Why would you build vladimirs on him? He already has life sustain with bloodbath!
hklitzke | September 11, 2013 7:58pm
this helped a lot thanks I altered this to my liking it seems to work.
Mr.Dolan | September 5, 2013 8:28am
Hey! :) I made an account here in this site just to comment to your guide. I love it. its very helpful. Ever since I used your guide, bloodseeker's been my favorite. ive been getting beyond Godlike streaks with him and i got a divine rapier with him using your guide. its a very very very very good if not "GREAT" guide. 2 thumbs up. definitely recommend this guide to every bloodseeker fan out there. :) Keep it up!
Sinthri | August 13, 2013 4:21am
What do you think about Mask of Madness instead of the Helm of the Dominator or Vladimir's Offering?
The additional attack speed must be nicer than the control effect or stats. Just an idea.
paulynho01 | August 13, 2013 1:55am
Hi. I think that the build : Rush for Radiance is still better. And you can add skull basher cuz its a great item on bloodseker . you can easily stop your enemies when you're chasing them. About radiance : to be onest its not so hard to farm cuz with a quelling blade last hitting its easy with blood seeker. I agree that Vlads is a very good item. In dota 1 still is a main item for Blood
lim3 | August 12, 2013 4:50pm
Cheers mate, good build/guide ! used it to learn how to play bloodseaker, in my first game I ended at 18 kills, 20 assists though I died 9 times due to early gank.

What ive figured out tho, after some testing, is that with the attackspeed you end up having, there is a couple of items that are amazing to use, and I would highly recomend;

Gives you 5 bonus armor, 15% (!!) damage bonus, and the best part, the 16%life steal, this combined with what you get from blood bath makes you close to unkillable late game.

Crystalys/daedalus, +35/81 dmg helps alot, though the crit makes this (imo) a "must have" item, atleast late in the games.

Shadowblade<3 THE item to help you become unkillable, this baby will keep you alive all day and all night, aslong as your not extremely unlucky.

All in all, as you can see, this is buildt arround the thought of beeing and mid/late game ganking god.
The attackspeed combined with crit and lifesteal + mjollnir/radiance proc, is mindblowing to look at, and if you havent tried this yet, I cannot reccomend trying it enough, if you wanna go completely overboard you top it all off with a BKB, just to roflstomp your way trough the game!

Anyway, thanks for the build, it thought me quite alot ! +2
porygon361 (46) | July 29, 2013 4:29am
Hatespinner wrote:

When your stubborn head get it, that i'm arguing with you couse it's funny

Troll alert lol

Still doesn't warrant flaming lol

In case you haven't noticed, I'm arguing with you 'cause you're an absolute ****head :\
Hatespinner | July 29, 2013 4:27am
When your stubborn head get it, that i'm arguing with you couse it's funny, and couse other players may see how this guide is bad. Noone will convince you anything, couse you're probably bad player defending Radiance build.

Which part of the guide will make a noob suck (other than the item build)?

From the very start this:

- Relies on farm
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