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6 Votes

Balanar the Train (Choo Choo!)

June 15, 2013 by TheMonthlyGuy
Comments: 7    |    Views: 48681    |   

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jamalkoiyess | April 26, 2014 4:06am
once i made what they told me in this guide i mastered night stalker and i never NEVER die
thx a lot
Illidan Stormrage | April 17, 2014 4:30am
I love this hero!! I always try to hit lvl 16 as fast as possible so when I use darkness during the night, the day never comes again :D
TheMonthlyGuy | June 15, 2013 9:34am
fNoir wrote:

In the "Item Justification" section you put the image of Cristalys where should be the Armlet.
Overall, good guide, +1.

Thanks for pointing that out!
Nubtrain (58) | June 15, 2013 8:48am
I like trains.
Choo choo!
fNoir | June 15, 2013 7:27am
In the "Item Justification" section you put the image of Cristalys where should be the Armlet.
Overall, good guide, +1.
TheMonthlyGuy | June 15, 2013 4:44am

The guide itself looks nice, but it's pretty outdated: without a Bottle you won't have enough regen to farm with your Void if an aggressive mid laner ( Puck, Queen of Pain, Storm Spirit...) zones you out; the Poor Man's Shield costs too much for what it gives since you aren't an AGI Hero and don't benefit from the bonus AGI. The most common core item after Phase Boots is the Armlet of Mordiggian which you just mention between the luxury items, usually followed by a BKB or an Agh's.

There are also too many misleading items: for example, I've never seen an NS going for an Eul's Scepter of Divinity or Battle Fury and I don't think they're useful.

About the Vanguard, everyone knows that it's one of the worst item in terms of cost-efficiency: an Armlet of Mordiggian gives you enough armor and regen to sustain your mid-game while also increasing your damage for ganks; if you just need more stats a Drum of Endurance will always be better.

Also, one thing about the skill build: maxing out Void by level 7 is mandatory in my opinion, then take one early point in Crippling Fear and max your Hunter in the Night. Get your ultimate at level 10-11-16 since you won't need it if not when you reach your second night, during which you should actively spam Darkness when it's off cooldown; when it's daytime, only activate it if it's crucial for teamfights.

Thanks for the feedback. I will update this guide asap. Most probably after I reach home

EDIT: I edited the item build. The word section would be edited later since I can't do it on my phone
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | June 15, 2013 4:00am
The guide itself looks nice, but it's pretty outdated: without a Bottle you won't have enough regen to farm with your Void if an aggressive mid laner ( Puck, Queen of Pain, Storm Spirit...) zones you out; the Poor Man's Shield costs too much for what it gives since you aren't an AGI Hero and don't benefit from the bonus AGI. The most common core item after Phase Boots is the Armlet of Mordiggian which you just mention between the luxury items, usually followed by a BKB or an Agh's.

There are also too many misleading items: for example, I've never seen an NS going for an Eul's Scepter of Divinity or Battle Fury and I don't think they're useful.

About the Vanguard, everyone knows that it's one of the worst item in terms of cost-efficiency: an Armlet of Mordiggian gives you enough armor and regen to sustain your mid-game while also increasing your damage for ganks; if you just need more stats a Drum of Endurance will always be better.

Also, one thing about the skill build: maxing out Void by level 7 is mandatory in my opinion, then take one early point in Crippling Fear and max your Hunter in the Night. Get your ultimate at level 10-11-16 since you won't need it if not when you reach your second night, during which you should actively spam Darkness when it's off cooldown; when it's daytime, only activate it if it's crucial for teamfights.
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