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12 Votes


October 24, 2012 by RickyAstley
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bluntdragon | March 29, 2013 1:59am
quelling blade is nice and rushing perseverance is a good idea. I like boots by 10m and phase boots by 18m. once you get BF and phase b. get the thing this guide didnt mention, Aghanims. then whatever you want.
Vincentamus | December 16, 2012 4:40pm
on my point of view i prefer to get treads(agi)- helm of the dominator - battlefury- butterfly

other ways nice guide for begginers with this blody juggernaut +1
Omgitssquee | November 6, 2012 5:35am
+1 Good sir.
SuperNova (16) | October 25, 2012 10:53pm
Sp12 wrote:

? You're supposed to build soul ring on Jug and get heal at least at 2 and maybe at 4 as well.

'supposed'? says who? you? thats your way of building not this guys.
Sp12 (25) | October 24, 2012 1:04pm
? You're supposed to build soul ring on Jug and get heal at least at 2 and maybe at 4 as well.
RickyAstley | October 24, 2012 4:44am
Numeta wrote:

Stop skipping healing ward for stats -_-

Leveling up 2 stats gives you just enough mana for a Blade Fury + Omnislash combo at level 6. Healing ward won't be needed; there won't be team fights. 1% heal isn't much; your teammates have Tangos that actually heal more.
Numeta (27) | October 24, 2012 3:05am
Stop skipping healing ward for stats -_-
CountryClubAntics (2) | October 24, 2012 2:12am
Good build but the... um.... vocabulary... its... interesting...
Screw it +1
RickyAstley | October 24, 2012 12:43am
Allegiance wrote:

would always get phase boots before battlefury, cuase you can use them during blade fury to maximise the dps
also i wouldn't consider manta as core. illusions don't profit from raw damaga items such as bfury and desolator, so if you want manta you should get something else but desolator, but thats just my opinion ;)

overall solid guide +1

Battle Fury before Phase Boots is because you don't need a 1400 gold worth item for just a little more movement speed in the early stages of the game. You will be farming (instead of moving around), and Blade Fury + Omnislash is enough to get you a kill. Instead, you can use that gold to get a perservearance regen, which is more important for survivability and killing. (When you finish your Battle Fury, you'll get Phase Boots in no time)

Manta is a core item because 1. your illusions also crit (that's double damage X 3 = SIXTUPLED damage) and 2. +26 agility and increased attack/movement speed is better on an agility carry than other items.
RickyAstley | October 24, 2012 12:32am

Your caps are disgusting but the guide makes enough sense, +1

the capslock is a pain in the *** while reading

All caps are now fixed :D
Allegiance (9) | October 24, 2012 12:17am
would always get phase boots before battlefury, cuase you can use them during blade fury to maximise the dps
also i wouldn't consider manta as core. illusions don't profit from raw damaga items such as bfury and desolator, so if you want manta you should get something else but desolator, but thats just my opinion ;)

the capslock is a pain in the *** while reading

overall solid guide +1
wilddeonpwn (102) | October 23, 2012 11:18pm
This is freaking awesome! +1

EDIT: why can't a upvote?
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