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Buying radiance is a timing build. Unless you can get it under 19-20 minutes don't do it. You'll hurt your team more than you help yourself.
Opt to rush diffusal to be useful early, plus you jungle fast with the mana burn through illusions. After diffusal you can go for radiance. Your abundance of +stats will carry you through early to mid. One purge = one kill 90% of the time.
This guide has potential man but you really need to evaluate your item build especially, and think over what this hero is actually like. You mention that he's a hard last hitter and you need to farm well with him at the start, then later on you say he's not gold dependent.
Early boots of speed in particular is a bad idea. Rushing a Radiance is a terrible idea in particular. I don't know if I agree with Soul Ring either for such a low hp hero that should be focusing on auto attack late game, using the Q and W as utility really, not as bread and butter.
In any case, take some time to learn Phantom a little better, think over the item build a lot more as it definitely needs improvement, and clean up the guides aesthetics a little, and it would be a solid guide I think. It just needs more thought and time put into it.
Too bad there is no "When chosing PL". PL must be chosen when
-There is no good
-There is no hard carry in your team
-There is two or less melee hero in your team
-There is no sustained AoE dps (If there is a Leshrac f.i. it will be very difficult for you)
-There is no earthshaker
-All the hard carries/semi carries opposite are single target dps (Drow, Mirana, Silencer etc)
The item choices are quite incomplete. You just need to understand illusions better.
Illusions benefit from
*Critical Strike (it should be noted that the red number is before the illusion reduction)
*Feedback (only works on melee illusions)
*Movement Speed bonus
*Attribute Bonus (Strength, Agility and Intelligence)
*Health or Mana
*True Sight
*Radiance's Burn Damage (the aura still will not affect units already affected by a different *Radiance aura)
*Magic Resistance from abilities, and from base Magic Resistance
*Quelling Blade's bonus damage to creeps
Illusions do not benefit from
*Raw Damage, Armor or Attack Speed increase
*Health or Mana regeneration (this includes Lifesteal)
*Unique attack modifiers (except Feedback on melee illusions)
*Bash, this includes the interrupt on *Monkey King Bar
*Damage Block
*Magic Resistance from items (Cloak, Hood of Defiance or Khadgar's Pipe of Insight)
=> Thus, illusions highly benefit from 2 types of items
1) Agi based items as it will add to their damage and AS
2) Auras as they will have it as well
About "The most important thing is gaining experience; getting gold is a luxury." well I disagree. Gold is critical. However there is something that is more important : making illusions. Making illusions will confuse your opponent, higher your pushing/dps potential so yes, auto attack is better than last hitting... in late game. In early last hitting is extremely critical. Yeah if you must die for it, avoid it. But getting gold means getting better items means more farm means everything.
Just a few remarks ^^'