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Ayown's Guide to our <B3A5T> Lanaya

April 8, 2013 by Ayown
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Ayown | April 8, 2013 2:12pm

No Proper starting item build
Why no blink? once you get that you really cant mess up a gank and helps you escape with meld into a blink AND allows you to dominate mid game
The biggest problem is that you have both ARMLET AND MoM, This is incredibly stupid as (unless i am mistaken, if i am they have changed it) armlet removes your own refraction charges and MoM makes you die super quick when you are out of them. TA relies so much to survive and give damage
Blade mail is terrible as it does no damage when you have refraction charges up and once you are out of charges you shoudlnt be tanking AT ALL
Midas is a bad item on TA as it delays items that help her dominate mid game, like blink or yasha

I thought someone would write that, I also though about adding some stuff like branches or something, but why? you surive with that - and since u didnt spend all the money u get ur treads very very fast. Ive never played with blink so far and i never had any problems though. Youve got a movement speed of 522 get up refraction and just run for gods sake. Of course it does (It should so far never payed attention though) - but I can send you an replay where it helped me to beat my enemys (i was at 100 hp) get up armlet and mom, meld and they are dead. Life steal does the rest. And if you dont get it just disable armlet and activate refraction. Ok to be honest I dont know what i put in blade mail IVE NEVER played it on TA, just felt to get in something aswell :/ sorry for that. Just as I said if your an last hit pro and you can get it before 4 minutes, you can take it. As i dont use blink so far it doesnt really matter. THANKS for your feedback buddy! I really appreciate it.
CountryClubAntics (2) | April 8, 2013 1:37pm
No Proper starting item build
Why no blink? once you get that you really cant mess up a gank and helps you escape with meld into a blink AND allows you to dominate mid game
The biggest problem is that you have both ARMLET AND MoM, This is incredibly stupid as (unless i am mistaken, if i am they have changed it) armlet removes your own refraction charges and MoM makes you die super quick when you are out of them. TA relies so much to survive and give damage
Blade mail is terrible as it does no damage when you have refraction charges up and once you are out of charges you shoudlnt be tanking AT ALL
Midas is a bad item on TA as it delays items that help her dominate mid game, like blink or yasha
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