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5 Votes

Axe Quick Guide (Esp/Eng)

November 11, 2012 by Gordhe
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Hades4u (296) | November 12, 2012 4:02am
I believe this is the first multi-lingual guide on the site, good job. :)

Gordhe | November 12, 2012 2:55am
wilddeonpwn wrote:

Nice job on writing the guide, this could be one of Sp12's signature ANTI-alt-tab guides with a lot of grammar updating and information with those builds.

Anyway, I like how you have it multi-languaged, even though it is hard to read, IMO it attracts both English and Spanish readers to read, so great job on that!

I like the second build, Vanguard and Blink Dagger is the way to go on Axe!

Well done on the guide, I gave you a +1 :)

Improve some spelling and grammar and it will be a lot easier to read, however

I will improve it, in fact the spanish part is what i really want to mean. but i'll talk with a friend who helps me to fix the english part. Tnx for your comentary
wilddeonpwn (102) | November 11, 2012 9:43pm
Nice job on writing the guide, this could be one of Sp12's signature ANTI-alt-tab guides with a lot of grammar updating and information with those builds.

Anyway, I like how you have it multi-languaged, even though it is hard to read, IMO it attracts both English and Spanish readers to read, so great job on that!

I like the second build, Vanguard and Blink Dagger is the way to go on Axe!

Well done on the guide, I gave you a +1 :)

Improve some spelling and grammar and it will be a lot easier to read, however
Gordhe | November 11, 2012 6:55pm
Mirror wrote:

Good guild +1

Maybe somewhere you could say that axe is one of the few heros that cannot carry. I wish he could but when ever I play vs one he doms my team but we just have to weather the storm till past the 40 min mark were even our supports are not feeling his e

yeah man... Axe's effectiveness is inversely proportional to the elapsed time. thats why i dont like to jungle with him, because I feel its a wasted of him early skill
Mirror (22) | November 11, 2012 6:45pm
Good guild +1

Maybe somewhere you could say that axe is one of the few heros that cannot carry. I wish he could but when ever I play vs one he doms my team but we just have to weather the storm till past the 40 min mark were even our supports are not feeling his e
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