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60 Votes

Axe - Prove Yourself! The Hunger Game

February 6, 2013 by Mrs Warboys
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Tingcredible Hulk | August 26, 2014 11:16pm
Used this build and took the advice that was in it and played probably my best game with Axe yet, Cheers for the guide!
kaelohare | December 4, 2013 7:29am
Since they nerfed Tranquil boots, they are **** on Axe, treads or mana boots are better.
Mrs Warboys (10) | August 30, 2013 11:40pm
Haha I haven't played Axe in a loooong time. I'll see what I can do but no promises, I rarely play him anymore after getting pigeonholed into a support role!
puppeteer | August 28, 2013 2:07am
Thanks for the guide! Any chance of a recent (downloadable) replay of an exemplary Axe game? :)
Basiktut | August 21, 2013 2:20pm
Thank you for your guide :)
I have a suggestion. If you are dominating your lane so bad,which is more likely than other heroes, i usually get manaboots and after bloodstone.if game can survive for 30 min.ill get scepter and dunk everyone.but it is just for early dominatiton.thank you have a nice day :) BTW when you get your bloodstone cast hunger for everything extra speed is awesome ;)
BefjurH | July 19, 2013 3:54pm
Just started playing this red beast, and this guide really helped me net some good kills in my first game. Excellent guide, love it! +1 fo def.
TenshiN (6) | March 4, 2013 5:19am
Great guide, had so much fun playing Axe even on the losing teams :D I don't really think that he is not scaling well into the lategame, as his blink-disable completely screws the retreating enemies over. Also a great help for tanking and making em target me instead of our carries/supports. The only thing, i prefer rushing Heart of Tarrasque instead of Agahnim, as the crazy amount of health it provides is just gamechanging for a hero like him IMHO.
Oh, and his hunger is so so good for chasing, i think i am in love.
pghprogrammer4 | March 1, 2013 2:48pm
How do you feel about orb of venom on axe? (to help with chasing). I've been building this much more on any melee ganker who doesn't have normally have an orb (or at least get an orb early).

My only reluctance would be due to item slots.
Mrs Warboys (10) | February 8, 2013 2:00am
He's bad relatively. Battle Hunger, Double Helix and his Ultimate just do not scale with levels or items... but enemy players are getting more HP, Armor and Magic Resist.

Necrolyte's Reaper's Scythe is a scaling version of Axe's ultimate. Try late game with both Heroes and compare how hard it is to cull anyone compared to Necrolyte.

Berserker's Call is his only real late-game viable ability, but it has a tiny range compared to other initiating abilities like Black Hole, Burrowstrike, Waning Rift, Overgrowth and Ravage. Blademail will definitely help but there are Heroes with a lot more HP than Axe, like Treant Protector and Centaur Warrunner ... these Heroes are better blade mail carriers (more HP = better blademail) and also provide a lot more utility than Axe in the late game.
MrJamFury (1) | February 7, 2013 12:14pm
I don't get why people say that Axe is bad late game.
Yes, he's not a carry that can be destructive late, but even if your attacks don't deal so much damage, if you can buy a blade mail, you just use the power of the enemy team, so they pretty much kill themselves...
And this is worsk great even late game, so please quit saying that Axe is useless late game...
(and he is so badass, when he does his ulti and says..."You get nothing, good day sir!")
However, good guide, nicely done. :)
KholdStare88 (1) | January 18, 2013 3:27am
Amazing guide really, gave details on different situations and explained everything nicely.
Soupdragon | December 20, 2012 9:35pm
Hey, not gonna go as far as Rigul to ***** as far as team comp is concerned as laning phase generally dominates build until lvl.6+ but one level in Call is good for proc-ing that 'need to helix' last hit damage. Versatility never hurt! Otherwise +1 all the way! :)
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