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Axe, he can carry too.

October 13, 2012 by Hugh
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Numeta (27) | October 24, 2012 4:48am
If you want to try out a battle dmg / initiation build for axe, check it out on my axe guide. Build #2
Hugh | October 22, 2012 3:25pm

This build is really bad and you should feel bad for making it.

What is wrong with my build, if you do not try it do not judge it.
Hugh | October 22, 2012 3:24pm
Allegiance wrote:

call + blademail isnt a really good idea, imo.
blademail only returns the damage you receive and with the 40 bonus armor of call, you waste pretty much of the return damage :)

I guess, before the buff it was only 30 armor. Still, counter helix plus blademail should kill any agility dps hero if you use dagon and ult them :3
SkyneT800 (1) | October 18, 2012 3:59am
This build is really bad and you should feel bad for making it.
Allegiance (9) | October 18, 2012 12:34am
call + blademail isnt a really good idea, imo.
blademail only returns the damage you receive and with the 40 bonus armor of call, you waste pretty much of the return damage :)
Atlas (117) | October 13, 2012 11:05am
wilddeonpwn wrote:

Well, it looks like a blank wall to me. Add some bold text and color so I can read it without straining my eyes

Just because it isn't made easy to read doesn't mean you should flame someone because you didn't read it. Also, you definitely do not need to max helix by 7 on axe. Even in the jungle you can max battle hunger because it helps with lane control and ganks. Helix doesn't add that much per level, where as battle hunger becomes much more useful once it is leveled.
Hugh | October 13, 2012 10:56am
hubey wrote:

Dagon isn't a good choice because it doesn't synergise with your abilities. You won't get closer for Calling or Culling because you have Dagon. Therefore a Dagger or any tanking items would be better. You want people to attack you in order to let your nukers cast their nukes, you don't want to cast nukes yourself because you will just miss out potential of the hero.

Dagon doesn't help Axe make chop.^^

Actually it does, try it.
hubey | October 13, 2012 10:02am
Dagon isn't a good choice because it doesn't synergise with your abilities. You won't get closer for Calling or Culling because you have Dagon. Therefore a Dagger or any tanking items would be better. You want people to attack you in order to let your nukers cast their nukes, you don't want to cast nukes yourself because you will just miss out potential of the hero.

Dagon doesn't help Axe make chop.^^
Hugh | October 13, 2012 9:20am
Romottster wrote:

I dont agree with call at 3, i think leave it untill 4 because battle hunger then gets an extra 6 damage and 3 seconds longer which = max 273 rather than 150, and 123 extra damage is big for a lvl 3 nuke, also, call at lvl 3 will hurt your mana pool, and i think that for a 1.5 second disable, and as you probably won't have boots at lvl 3, so very hard to actually connect, just harras with battle hunger (lvl 2) until you hit 4, then you should get it.

I really just put it in for the ability to Battle Hunger in combination with Call in order to save a teammate from getting killed, Hunger at 3 works, but I like to be ready for any situation.
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