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2 Votes

Axe Hacks

September 21, 2012 by MunkeyFish
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jaslam (21) | September 24, 2012 8:10am
drop battlefury, get a mjo instead, not a great item, and really is a luxury, but stacks nicely with your call, as you can place the active on yourself.

blademail is a great item, when forcing a hard carry to kill themselves - 9x out of 10 your have more hp than they do, so you it well!

if this a laning build, I would sugges helix at level 1, then hunger at 2,3 and carry on from there. might be better to just level the hunger straight to max at level 7 - you can kill half hp softies like CM with just 1 hunger, as long as you can stop them getting creeps!
DibsMid (6) | September 22, 2012 3:32pm
Nice guide for a very traditional Axe. Some of my thoughts:
  • Just something to try out, I LOVE to get Soul Ring on Axe. Gives you great lane staying and jungling strength, but I pretty much just get it because you can spam Battle Hunger like there is no tomorrow. It decimates the opponents most the time.
  • Aghs is a waste of money for Axe IMO. Late game is when you will get it and it is much more benifical to grab something to benifit teamfights. Scepter does little in the team fight other than let you sometimes get two culling blades off instead of one.
  • Something can be said about disassembling your Tranquil Boots later in the game when they are much less useful and getting a different pair, as well as perhaps making Vlad's, as in the later stages of the game play more of a support role than a carry.
  • I disagree with getting Battlefury, as I think with your logic for getting it, a Radiance would accomplish the job much better.
  • Assault Cuirass is a good supportish item that lowers enemy armor, so with your Blink, BC combo your allies will be do considerably more damage.
daPhongster (8) | September 21, 2012 10:03pm
If you use BC, you gain 30 armor during its duration. If you activate Blademail during BC, then the heroes attacking you will receive less damage, as they do less damage to you. Just FYI.

Try to replace Battlefury with a more support-ish item like Shivas or Assault Cuirr***.

About gameplay, you really should go 'balls-deep' as soon as you get level 1 Helix. You want to get attacked by creeps to proc Counter Helix more often. And if the enemy decides to stop and attack you, they risk taking 100 damage, which is huge if you're level 1. Axe is an Early-Game Hero, not a Mid Game Hero, in my opinion.
Hades4u (296) | September 21, 2012 12:07pm
Why don't you get Tranquil Boots then Vanguard as soon as possible? These items makes your job way easier, that's why you must get them asap.

Also, why Battle Fury as last item when you can get some armor or even more HP?

Also, add some bold text and some color to make the guide look better and easier to read.
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