Axe build 1-King of the Jungle
If playing the first build i reccommended, you are mainly the jungler/initiator/tank of the team. Farm the jungle effectively with counter helix. As soon as you got your blink dagger, leave the jungle and start ganking. The basic combo is: Blink->Berserker's Call
->Blademail(if you have it)->Battle Hunger->Culling Blade(if their health and your mana allows for it). You will get plenty of successful ganks with just a little support.
During teamfights, perform that combo i taught you earlier but try to taunt as many enemies as possible. Dis engange and re-engange whenever Berserker's Call is back up. Axe excels at picking off enemies one by one by performing that devastating combo.
Axe build 2-Safe/Offlane Decapitator
This build is fairly different from the prev. Axe build, as in this build you prioritize more damage items and act more like a melee semi-carry rather than relying on only your Counter Helix spins. During the laning phase, you can get ganks by using your prioritized Battle Hunger to slow the enemy and chopping them up with a combo of attacks and spins. Tip: Try to keep enemy lane creeps alive before a gank, as aggro-ing them will greatly increase spin rate.
With this build, you are not as tanky so don't initiate alone during teamfights. Try to get someone else to do it or just engage together. Try not to frontline too long or you'll just die. This build is more suitable for chasing down and basic attacking rather than performing combos. Just, less RNG and more items/stats/skill.
Chapter Title
Hope this guide helps, now go ahead and slaughter enemies with Axe and his axe!
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