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5 Votes

Axe Battle hunger build

August 9, 2012 by Slithereen
Comments: 4    |    Views: 14612    |   

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jaslam (21) | August 8, 2012 2:19am
It does stack - whenever I jungle, seer, axe, sylabear, I get 2 stout shields, it increases the chance of getting a damage block.

Remeber to keep stacking the mega/strong creep camp whenever you walk past it to gank you will waste only 10 seconds waiting for the 53 second mark. with each stack pull 1 second in advance
ie. 2 stacks = 52 sec, 3 stacks = 51 seconds etc - (upto 4 stacks really)

+1 all around, this is how Axe should be played from a jungle. I'm not sure about getting aganims before you get blademail, but I guess that is preference. Only difference in my build is a I get another helix instead of call at level 4 for that extra dmg and proc time. (because I have been stacking)
NinjaFatcats (1) | August 8, 2012 12:18am
i reckon you should take one stout shield away and replace it for a tango or healing salve for longer sustainability
Slithereen | August 7, 2012 9:11pm
DIGER96 wrote:
Thats good but scout shields dont stack so its a wast of gold :/

Are you sure? In DotA All-star and HoN, they stack. It makes you "roll the dice" twice, so you fist have 60% chance to block and if it misses, you have another 60% chance to block.
It won't block more damage, but it will block more often.

That is unless they changed it in dota2
DIGER96 (1) | August 7, 2012 8:59pm
Thats good but scout shields dont stack so its a wast of gold :/
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