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Attack Modifiers/Orbs

December 23, 2012 by CNP9
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Attack Modifiers/Orbs

December 23, 2012


Hey Guys I'm CNP9 and today i'm here to talk about Attack Modifiers or Orbs and to explain them because a lot of people misunderstand them. Basically that's all about the stack thing and to explain every orb and what they do. The cheapest orb is Orb of Venom which gives a tiny slow. All orbs are considered good, and each one of them are good in certain heroes like . Sometimes, The guide of the Game usually recommends the certain orbs in each hero, but like in Slark some guys think that Diffusal Suck and Dota thinks it's core but that's depends on the opinion of everyone of you. For example I've seen a lot of guys who chose Mask of Madness instead Of HoD in Drow Ranger and instead of Diffusal in Riki.

Which And What they DO?

- So Desolator, a common orb, What it does? It reduces armor when hit. It stays great on Sniper, Skeleton King, Slardar, Juggernaut, Nature's Prophet ...

and - It's a great item, gives AS and the orb effect is to fire a lightning beam, ocassionaly (25%) that does 160 magical damage. It is good to farm and if you have a lot of AS it will trouble enemies too. Stays good on Sniper, Lone Druid, Nature's Prophet, Windrunner and other guys.

- Another Orb, gives a bit of intelligence, 20 agility and the orb effect which is exactly like Anti Mage Ability, it takes mana when hit, but Anti mages takes a bit more. Good On- Naga Siren, Riki, Phantom Lancer, Spectre and other u may choose.

and - Great Orb and i personally love it but i think it's too expensive, 2 Ultimate Orbs are difficult too farm and then Point and Orb kind of easy, but when done it's awesome. Great Status and the orb effect which is SLOW. BOTH 30% Movement and 20% AS which is great combined with AS or agility. Orb Of Venom does the same(only Movement speed Slow 12%mellee and 4 ranged) but different numbers because it only costs 275 gold.
Good On- Morphling, Sniper, Queen of Pain, Ancient Apparition ...

and - So HoD and Satanic--> LIFESTEAL, 15% and 25% each one, Although Satanic has its active which gives 175% during 3.5 secs. Good on- Morphling, Dragon Knight, Luna ...

- This with the patch number i dont remeber xD swapped into passive and not Attack Modifier, but it may proc slow the hero when attacked. Good On - Bloodseeker, Chaos Knight, Juggernaut, Slark ...

- Same thing Lifesteal (17%) altough some people prefer it to HoD and even Vlads which is not a Orb because of its active which gives 100 AS and 25% MS altough you become more fragile (30%) Good On - Spirit Breaker, Faceless Void, i've seen on Riki and either Drow Ranger ...


So a guy comes in during a game says "Hey look at that Nature's Prophet he has a Mjollnir and Desolator, what a noob it doesnt Stack" --> WRONG! Theoretically it Doesnt cause they dont reduce armor and proc the lightning at the same time but Pratically, they do both but on different times like Deso almost ever hits and when the 25% hits, the lightning comes and deso dont so it does Stack.

Altough Eye of Skadi has the particularity to connect with Lifesteal Orbs such like Satanic and HoD, Which is the case of Morphling and it slows and lifesteals at the same time.

So in some heroes 2 ORBS ARE VERY USEFULL, just like Sniper, Nature's Prophet and whatever you want. Now that some people who read that though hey we can do 2 orbs on the same hero that doensnt mean you're doing it right. I personally enjoy doing it on Nature's Prophet which i start for a maelstrom and then desolator and then finish mjolnir, same as sniper but there are maybe somo heroes which 2 orbs could be usefull.

Important Thing

There are a lot of heroes which have Abilities which are considered orbs such as Drow Ranger , Huskar Outworld Destroyer , Viper , Silencer ... Those abilities may be put has: always active, and not, just only in certain ocasions. IN THAT CASES Ability Orbs don't stack with Orb Items. For Example : a Common case Huskar . Usually A proper Huskar makes Helm Of The Dominator which is good combined with your passive, but if u keep Burning Spear Active, It won't regen your life (the lifesteal) because those orbs don't stack but if u turn it off it will lifesteal. So here's a reminder Item Orbs Don't STACK WITH ABILITY HEROES ORBS! AND THIS IS FOR ALL HEROES WHICH HAVE THOSE ABILITIES, that's why in SOME heroes orbs aren't made for example Outworld Destroyer but other which happen to have like Drow Ranger and Huskar which there Abilities Orbs are only usefull for certain moments, Huskar's only in the beggining and Drow's can be usefull at all time. But in Outworld's case his Ability in mid and late game happens to be Tremendously feared that's why we don't see desolator's and mjolnir's on him.

The End

So this is it, The common mistake of Not stacking orbs. Hopefully someone could have learnt something from my guide so Thanks And Enjoy ;) and go see my other heroes guides :)

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