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Assassin don't fight, we Kill.

November 10, 2013 by AlanHiro
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20 Kills minimum, 30 Kills above Good.

DotA2 Hero: Riki

Hero Skills

Backstab (Innate)

Smoke Screen

2 8 9 10

Blink Strike

1 4 5 7

Tricks of the Trade

3 12 13 14

Cloak and Dagger

6 11 16


15 17 18

Assassin don't fight, we Kill.

November 10, 2013

We are not Warrior < We are killer in the Dark.

As an assassin, we never fight like a warrior or lead the team like knight. We don't have great AOE damage skill like mage or useful stun like supporter. So, what do we do in the battle field?

We do what we BEST of - KILL the hero in the dark!

Once a great general said, if a warrior vs assassin in arena. Assassin will never win, because warrior fight with courage and power, which assassin don't. I am totally agree about it, assassin never strike blindly.

We PLAN, we SCOUT, we WAIT <<<

During laning, Riki must try our best NOT to die before level 6. If so, we need to be extra careful and pick up the level and farm fast.

After level 6, the main task for now is to complete the Mask of Madness ASAP. Then the Killing time shall start! Normally I choose to assist TOP or bottom lane than middle.

By bit of skill and most importantly LUCK (or I used to said opponents' mistake) after kills, quickly switch to other lanes or break the existing tower (which seems not that soon for breaking tower, only if the players on that particulars lanes are fast player too).

In the level of 9 - 11 normally I will go Jungling to top up the needs for SKULL BASHER. Before this, we need to be very very careful, because its time for the competitors to places wards in strategic place to locate our steps. (That's why I prefer to jungling a while to cooldown their urge to fight us face to face) As I said before, we as assassin do not fight, we Kills in the Dark!

If you have a smooth sail, by level 14 you should complete the BLINK, SMOKE and BACKSTAB! And, at the same time you should hand on both the Yasha and Basher. So now, its time for us to officially enter the KILLING hell!

ABYSSAL BLADE is the wonderful weapon for Riki, after getting this, we can really consider to take a GEM of TRUE SIGHT, to Kill invi competitors or break their wards on your way to Victory!

Welcome to the world of NINJA!

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