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As the Arrow Flies

January 23, 2012 by kumquat
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HamSandwich (34) | January 23, 2012 8:55am

It's less about the agility and more about the overall damage, int, and strength gain, although the agility gives her roughly 1 armor which is pretty useful considering the fact that she is armor starved, so I wouldn't call it terrible. It's a rather cost effective way to increase her damage and give her a bit of survivability (especially when you add on the strength you'd get from urn).

Getting a null talisman and a ring of basilus is more cost-effective if you need cheap early damage. That being said, it's probably better to pick up blades of attack instead, to go towards phase boots.

Furthermore, on Windrunner these days, either mekanism or pipe of insight are core. That's usually followed by a force staff and then a sheepstick.
kumquat (15) | January 23, 2012 1:23am
UrChesthair wrote:

RoA is so terrible on her, just a ring of basilius is fine, she doesnt need agility, besides doesnt give much tank.

It's less about the agility and more about the overall damage, int, and strength gain, although the agility gives her roughly 1 armor which is pretty useful considering the fact that she is armor starved, so I wouldn't call it terrible. It's a rather cost effective way to increase her damage and give her a bit of survivability (especially when you add on the strength you'd get from urn).


Tranquil boots another bad on her, many better viable item choices (Phase boots for damage and treads for survivability).

I like Tranquil boots because they fix her armor problems, are very cheap, and make it so she never has to leave her lane. Once you get urn, and some more mana regeneration, you're pretty much a walking fountain and never have to go back. Phase boots are good on her, but I think it's more of a preference sort of thing. They are also more persistently fast than phase boots, which is very pivotal to her as a ganker. Phase boots are pretty gimmicky and I've had a great deal more success with Tranquil boots.

You should add Mekansm to core, and Scythe of Vyse to late gamer.

Both of these items are situational and it would be incredibly stupid to call them core.
UrChesthair (2) | January 23, 2012 12:43am
LOL, pretty much the noobest items on windrunner, RoA is so terrible on her, just a ring of basilius is fine, she doesnt need agility, besides doesnt give much tank. Tranquil boots another bad on her, many better viable item choices (Phase boots for damage and treads for survivalbility). You should add Mekansm to core, and Scythe of Vyse to late gamer.
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